[NaviServer] NaviServer Windows NT Installation Installation on NT consists of downloading and extracting the NaviServer and Illustra ZIP files, testing the NaviServer without Illustra, creating an miadmin user, installing Illustra, and testing the NaviServer with Illustra. You will need an Intel NT Workstation or Advanced Server running NT version 3.5 with an NTFS file system and about 50 MB of free disk space. NOTE: The NaviServer has its own internal set of users and passwords. Many operations on the NaviServer will require a username and password. The NaviServer "super user" is nsadmin, and the default password is "ruffruff". When you try to do something on the server (like save a page, or create a table) through NaviPress or a conventional web browser and you get an authentication dialog, the nsadmin user name and password will always work. You should change the nsadmin password very soon after installation. The NaviServer will let you set up a more sophisticated user/group environment 1. Downloading and Extracting the Archives: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Cd to a temporay location, say c:\temp. 2. Ftp to ftp.aol.com with the username navibeta and the password beta.web. 3. Turn on binary transfer mode. 4. Cd to the /beta/tools/winnt directory and get the WZNT56.EXE. 5. Cd to the /beta/current/naviserver directory and get illustra.winnt.zip and naviserver.winnt.b14.zip archive files. 6. Run the wznt56.exe program. It will extract the WinZIP files and create a WinZIP program group. 7. In Program Manager, double click on the "WinZip for Windows/NT" item in the new WinZIP group. 8. Select "Open Archive..." from the File menu and open the illustra.winnt.zip archive. 9. Select "Select All" and then "Extract..." from the Actions menu. In the Extract dialog, pick a temporary location for the Illustra installation files, say c:\temp, and press Extract. 10. Select "Open Archive..." from the File menu and open the naviserver.winnt.b14.zip archive. 11. Select "Select All" and then "Extract..." from the Actions menu. In the Extract dialog, press "Create Dir..." and enter the name of a new directory for the NaviServer files and pages, for example d:\naviserver, and press OK. Back in the Extract dialog, make sure the "Use Directory Names" checkbox is checked and press Extract. 2. Testing the NaviServer without Illustra: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At this point, before continuing with the installation of Illustra, you should test the NaviServer installation to make sure it has been installed correctly. The NaviServer can run without the Illustra database but in this mode it is little more than a read-only page server like a CERN, NCSA, and Netscape server. Nonetheless, you can test that the NaviServer portion of the installation completed successfully by running the NaviServer in the foreground in a Command Prompt (MS-DOS) console window with the -n flag to inhibit the initialization of the database services. To test the NaviServer, open a console window by double-clicking on the MS-DOS icon in the Main Program Manager group, change directory to the directory you created for the NaviServer files in step #1 above, and run the bin\nsd.exe binary with the -n flag. For example: C:\users\default\> d: D:\> cd naviserver\bin D:\naviserver\bin> nsd -n When the NaviServer successfully starts, you will see a line similar to: [19/May/1995:15:08:14 -0700][85] Notice: Accepting: http://avalon.company.com indicating the NaviServer is ready to accept connections. In NaviPress or an ordinary browser such as Netscape Navigator, you can open the URL indicated above and receive a simple NaviServer greeting page. If the page does not show up or the NaviServer does not start and instead indicates a Fatal error, do not continue with the installation of Illustra. Instead, check the following common configuration problems: * By default, the NaviServer will use port 80. If port 80 is already in use, the NaviServer won't start. You can change the port by editing the nsd.ini file located in the NaviServer directory. Set the Port entry in the [NaviServer] section to an unused port number. * By default, the NaviServer will attempt to discover the fully qualified hostname of your system when it starts. The NaviServer uses the fully qualified hostname to identify itself when, for example, it redirects client requests or creates HTML forms for database tables. Because the accuracy of hostname resolution varies with the local configuration of the Domain Name Service or other host name resolution service, the NaviServer cannot always determine the fully qualified hostname at run time. If the NaviServer does not start and instead indicates it could not determine the fully qualified hostname of your system, you can manually set the hostname in the nsd.ini file located in the NaviServer directory. Set the Hostname entry in the [NaviServer] section to the correct fully qualified hostname of your system. If you still cannot get the NaviServer to run in a Command Prompt window using the -n flag, do not proceed with the installation of Illustra. Instead, send email to jayme@navisoft.com and ask for assistance. 3. Installing Illustra Part 1: Creating the miadmin User: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The miadmin user is the Illustra database administrator. You must create the miadmin user before you can install Illustra. To add the miadmin user: 1. Log on as Administrator. 2. Double-click on User Manager in the Administrative Tools program group in the Program Manager. 3. Select New User from the User menu 4. Type "miadmin" in the User Name box, type a password in the "Password" box, then type the password again next to "Password again". A password is required. Remember this password, because you will need it again during the Illustra database installation. 5. Check the "Password Never Expires" box, regardless of the default policy at your site. 6. Click Groups to open the Group Memberships window. 7. Select "Administrators" in the "Not Member Of" box. 8. Click Add 9. Click OK to close the Group Memberships window. 10. Click OK to close the New User window. 11. Select User Rights from the Policies Menu. 12. Click the "Show Advanced User Rights" box. 13. Select "Log on as a service" from the "Rights" list. 14. Click Add.... 15. Click Show Users. 16. Select "miadmin" from the "Names" list. 17. Click Add 18. Click OK to close the "Add Users and Groups" window. 19. Click OK to close the "User Rights Policy" window. 4. Installing Illustra Part 2: Running the Illustra SETUP Program: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Log off and back on again as miadmin. 2. If the Control Panel happens to be open, close it. 3. Select Run... from the File menu of the Program Manager. 4. In the "Command Line" entry box, enter the directory where you unzipped the ntdb.zip archive followed by \setup For example: C:\temp\setup 5. You will see a Welcome dialog. Press Continue; you do not need to call Illustra for a license. 6. You will see a dialog titled "Illustra ORDBMS File Installation." Press "Configure Target". 7. You will see a dialog titled "Location of System Parameters File." You may want to change the drive (e.g., from C to D), but leave the rest of the location as \ILLUSTRA\miparams and press Continue. 8. You will receive a message that the System Parameters File does not exist. Press "Create New". You will now see a dialog titled "Create System Parameters File." Accept the default values and press Continue. 9. You should be back at the "Illustra ORDBMS File Installation" dialog. Select the first two checkboxes (ORDBMS Files and Document Blade) and the last three checkboxes (Install ORDBMS Service, Install License Manager Files and Service, and Initialize Databases) and press Install. 10. Setup will now extract the Illustra files (just press OK each time it asks for a new disk). 11. You will then see a dialog which asks for the miadmin password. Type it in. 12. You will get a message box which says "NuTCRACKER CreateService Succeeded". Press OK. 13. You should see a message box titled "Creating the Illustra Service" with the message "Illustra Service Installation Succeeded". If instead you get the message "OpenService Failed" (or some other indication this step failed), continue with the installation . When finished, see the special instructions below to correct the problem. 14. You will see a dialog titled "Illustra Elan License For Database Initialization". Do not press Continue. Instead, press "Set License Key" and you will see a dialog titled "Illustra ELM: Create Key File". Enter the following key in the "Key:" entry box and press OK: 4400 9340 4127 9753 2995 5474 0041 2357 0329 94 15. You will see 8 quick message boxes describing the features which are licensed. Feature names 00, 01, and 04 should have 10 licenses each and feature names 02 and 03 should have none. Just press OK in response to each dialog. 16. You will see a dialog helpfully entitled "Question" which says "MI_LOGDIR not set. Initialize without logging?" Press Yes. 17. At this point, Illustra will finish the installation by spending a few minutes bootstrapping the "template1" database. Special Instructions: If you got the "OpenService Failed" message at unlucky step #13 above, try the following before calling NaviSoft: 1. Reboot and log in again as miadmin. 2. Restart the Illustra setup program as you did in step #3 above. 3. Press Continue in response to both the Welcome and "Server to Install" dialogs. 4. Select the "Install ORDBMS Service" checkbox and uncheck all other checkboxes. 5. Press Install 6. You will be asked for the miadmin password again as you were in step #11above. Type it in. 7. You should see a dialog titled "Creating the Illustra Service" with the message "Illustra Service Installation Succeeded". Press OK and you're done. If you get the "OpenService Failed" message again, call NaviSoft for help. 5. Initializing the "betadb" Database for the NaviServer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Illustra has been successfully installed, you can create the "betadb" database for use by the NaviServer. To create the betadb database, you run the nsinitdb.bat batch file in a Command Prompt (MS-DOS) console window (NOTE: The nsinitdb.bat batch file replaces the nsinstall.bat batch file in releases prior to beta version 12): 1. Start a console window by double-clicking the MS-DOS icon in the Main program group of the Program Manager. 2. Change to the drive where you installed Illustra. For example, if you install Illustra in the D:\illustra directory, type "D:" at the MS-DOS prompt. 3. Run the nsinitdb.bat batch file in the \bin subdirectory of the NaviServer directory, passing it the path of the Illustra directory, the path of the NaviServer directory, and the name of the database to create, in this case "betadb". Be sure to use back slashes ("\") and not forward slashes in the directory names, for example: C:\users\default\> d: D:\> cd naviserver\bin D:\naviserver\bin> nsinitdb d:\illustra d:\naviserver betadb The nsinitdb.bat batch file will run for several minutes creating and initializing the Illustra betadb database and installing the NaviServer service. 4. Take a look at the nsd.ini file in the NaviServer directory. You may want to change the Port the NaviServer runs on. NOTE: If you get the error "System error 2 has occurred" when running the nsinitdb script in step 3 above or when you attempt to start Illustra from the Services Control Panel, it could indicate you are using Windows NT version 3.51 or version 3.5 with service pack 2. To correct this problem, you will have to edit the NT Registry and modify the "Illustra default" service entry. To do this, start the Registry Editor by selecting File->Run from the Program Manager and entering regedt32. When regedt32 starts, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services, highlight the "Illustra default" entry, and double-click on the ImagePath key that appears on the right hand side of the menu. This will bring up an entry box to modify the ImagePath value. Simply remove the '-s default' at the end of the miadaemon.exe pathname and press OK. Exit regedt32 and try to start Illustra once again. 6. Testing the NaviServer with Illustra: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To test the complete NaviServer with Illustra, you can run the nsd.exe binary in a Command Prompt console window. For example: C:\users\default\> d: D:\> cd naviserver\bin D:\naviserver\bin> nsd The NaviServer will start, initialize the Illustra database services, and end with a line similar to: [19/May/1995:15:08:14 -0700][85] Notice: Accepting: http://avalon.company.com If the NaviServer does not start properly, check the nsd.ini file in the NaviServer directory and make sure the Port and Hostname entries in the [NaviServer] section are correct and that the Database entry in the [DbServices] section is has the value "betadb", the database you created in step 5 above. Also, check log nsinintdb.log file in the log subdirectory of the NaviServer directory for any fatal errors when creating the betadb Illustra database. If you still cannot get the NaviServer to start properly, send email to jayme@navisoft.com and ask for assistance. 7. Install the NaviServer as a Windows NT Service: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to have the NaviServer start automatically at system startup time and/or run while you are not logged on, you must install it as a Windows NT service. You do this by running the nsd.exe binary with the -i flag. For example: C:\users\default\> d: D:\> cd naviserver\bin D:\naviserver\bin> nsd -i To start the NaviServer service, use the Services Control Panel. If the NaviServer fails to start as a service, look for error messages in the error.log file in the log subdirectory of the NaviServer directory . In addition, error messages may be found in the Application Event Log which you can view by opening the Event Viewer in the Administrative Tools program group in the Program Manager.