Guide to Installing and Using WATCHER

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The defaults set by this command are saved between WCP sessions.



Sets the default for disconnects, to be used if not specified on subsequent WATCH commands. /DISCONNECT, /FORCE_EXIT, and /LOGOUT are mutually exclusive.


Sets the default for forced image exits to be used on subsequent WATCH commands. /DISCONNECT, /FORCE_EXIT, and /LOGOUT are mutually exclusive.


Sets the default for logouts, to be used if not specified on subsequent WATCH commands. /DISCONNECT, /FORCE_EXIT, and /LOGOUT are mutually exclusive.


Sets the default measurements to be used for activity determination if not specified on subsequent WATCH commands. For measurement, specify one of the following:
CPU[: threshold] CPU time (the sum of the CPU time used by the process and all its subprocesses, in centiseconds) should be used as a criterion. If threshold is specified, the difference in CPU time between passes must exceed the specified threshold for a process to be considered active.
Guide to Installing and Using WATCHER

Guide to Installing and Using WATCHER

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The defaults set by this command are saved between WCP sessions.



Sets the default for disconnects, to be used if not specified on subsequent WATCH commands. /DISCONNECT, /FORCE_EXIT, and /LOGOUT are mutually exclusive.


Sets the default for forced image exits to be used on subsequent WATCH commands. /DISCONNECT, /FORCE_EXIT, and /LOGOUT are mutually exclusive.


Sets the default for logouts, to be used if not specified on subsequent WATCH commands. /DISCONNECT, /FORCE_EXIT, and /LOGOUT are mutually exclusive.


Sets the default measurements to be used for activity determination if not specified on subsequent WATCH commands. For measurement, specify one of the following:
CPU[: threshold] CPU time (the sum of the CPU time used by the process and all its subprocesses, in centiseconds) should be used as a criterion. If threshold is specified, the difference in CPU time between passes must exceed the specified threshold for a process to be considered active.
PROCESS_IO[: threshold] Process I/O (the sum of the buffered and direct I/O counts for the process and all its subprocesses) should be used as a criterion. If threshold is specified, the difference in I/O counts between passes must exceed the specified threshold for a process to be considered active.
TERMINAL_IO[: threshold] Terminal I/O (the operation count on the terminal device) should be used as a criterion. If threshold is specified, the difference in I/O counts between passes must exceed the specified threshold for a process to be considered active.

Any combination of PROCESS_IO, CPU, and TERMINAL_IO is permitted. If omitted, threshold values default to zero. Note that threshold values should be chosen as a function of the wakeup interval (defined with SET INTERVAL).


Sets the defaults for warnings, to be used if not specified on subsequent WATCH commands.


Displays all or part of the current configuration.


  • ALL
  • BELL
  • DAYS
  • FILE

Command Qualifiers Defaults


The SHOW command displays information about the current configuration and the WCP default settings.



The /COMMAND qualifier indicates that the display should be formatted as the commands that would be entered to create the specified records. Use /COMMAND with the /OUTPUT qualifier to create an MCP command file that can be altered with your favorite editor, then read back into MCP to create a new configuration.


The /OUTPUT qualifier is used to direct the SHOW result to a file or other device. By default, the result is displayed on the current output device, SYS$OUTPUT.


Sends a shutdown command to the WATCHER process.




This command sends a shutdown command to the WATCHER process, which causes WATCHER to close its log files and exit.

OPER and SYSPRV privileges are required for this command.


Defines a watch rule.


WATCH device-pat

Command Qualifiers Defaults



A terminal device name or pattern containing wildcards, to identify the terminal(s) to be watched.


This command is used to add or remove (with /DELETE) a watch rule to the WATCHER configuration. When WATCHER is running, a process running on any terminal matching the specified criteria will be watched for inactivity, using the specified parameters.



Port name or pattern containing wildcards, identifying the terminal port(s) (for terminal servers and other devices using port names) to be watched. The default is any port.


Specifies that the rule should be deleted from the configuration. All criteria must match exactly for the rule to be deleted.


For systems with virtual terminals enabled, this qualifier specifies whether the terminal should be disconnected from the system, and if so, how long the terminal should be inactive before the disconnection occurs. If virtual terminals are not enabled, or the terminal to be forced off is not connected through a virtual terminal, the process is logged out (the same effect as for the /LOGOUT qualifier). If both this qualifier and /LOGOUT are omitted, the disconnect/logout default is taken from the current SET WATCH_DEFAULT setting.

The /DISCONNECT, /FORCE_EXIT, and /LOGOUT qualifiers are mutually exclusive.


The terminal-disconnection code used by WATCHER runs in kernel mode, at elevated IPL, and hence may result in a system crash if the VMS terminal UCB extensions or terminal class driver changes. As with all code that uses undocumented VMS internals, exercise caution when using /DISCONNECT for the first time and when you upgrade to a new version of VMS.

The disconnect code is the only part of WATCHER that uses kernel mode.


Specifies that any user-mode image currently running at the terminal should be forced to exit, without actually logging the user off.

The /DISCONNECT, /FORCE_EXIT, and /LOGOUT qualifiers are mutually exclusive.


Specifies whether the terminal should be logged out, and if so, how long the terminal should be inactive before logout occurs. If this qualifier and /DISCONNECT are omitted, the logout/disconnect default is taken from the current SET WATCH_DEFAULT setting.

The /DISCONNECT, /FORCE_EXIT, and /LOGOUT qualifiers are mutually exclusive.


Specifies the measurements that should be used for activity determination. For measurement, specify one of the following:
CPU[: threshold] CPU time (the sum of the CPU time used by the process and all its subprocesses, in centiseconds) should be used as a criterion. If threshold is specified, the difference in CPU time between passes must exceed the specified threshold for a process to be considered active.
PROCESS_IO[: threshold] Process I/O (the sum of the buffered and direct I/O counts for the process and all its subprocesses) should be used as a criterion. If threshold is specified, the difference in I/O counts between passes must exceed the specified threshold for a process to be considered active.
TERMINAL_IO[: threshold] Terminal I/O (the operation count on the terminal device) should be used as a criterion. If threshold is specified, the difference in I/O counts between passes must exceed the specified threshold for a process to be considered active.

Any combination of PROCESS_IO, CPU, and TERMINAL_IO is permitted. If omitted, threshold values default to zero. Note that threshold values should be chosen as a function of the wakeup interval (defined with SET INTERVAL). If no /MEASUREMENT qualifier is specified, the measurement settings are taken from the SET WATCH_DEFAULT settings.


Specifies whether the terminal should be warned about inactivity, and if so, how long the terminal should be inactive before warning is sent. The warning interval should be less than the logout interval. If omitted, the default is taken from the current SET WATCH_DEFAULT setting.

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