Kermit Help File Kermit is a family of programs which perform reliable file transfer between computers over regular TTY lines. This file contains the Kermit commands for the Vax/VMS version of Kermit. Command Explanation send Sends a file or file group from the VAX to the remote host. The name of each file is passed to the remote host in a special control packet, so that the remote host can store it with the same name. VMS wildcarding is allowed. receive Receive a file or file group from the remote host. If an incoming file name is not legal, then attempt to transform it to a similar legal name, e.g. by deleting illegal or excessive characters. If the file already exists, it will be supersceded. set Establish various system-dependent parameters, such as max- imum packet length, dubbuging mode, transmission delay, etc. Also allows the user to specify virtual terminal line-speed, and parity. show Display various system-dependent parameters established by the SET command. connect Establish a virtual terminal connection from the VAX to a computer hooked up to it through a TTY line. The connection uses the line speed, and parity defined by the set command. status Give information about the last file transfer; effective baud rate, number of ACK's, NAK's, and bad packets, etc. dcl Perform a call to vms dcl. ? Print help about various options available at a point in in a command string. (ie. set ? will show all options available pertaining to set) help Print instructions on various commands available in Kermit. You are reading it. exit Exit from Kermit. quit Same as exit command. Kermit Help File Kermit is a family of programs which perform reliable file transfer between computers over regular TTY lines. This file contains the Kermit commands for the Vax/VMS version of Kermit. Command Explanation send Sends a file or file group from the VAX to the remote host. The name of each file is passed to the remote host in a special control packet, so that the remote host can store it with the same name. VMS wildcarding is allowed. receive Receive a file or file group from the remote host. If an incoming file name is not legal, then attempt to transform it to a similar legal name, e.g. by deleting illegal or excessive characters. If the file already exists, it will be supersceded. set Establish various system-dependent parameters, such as max- imum packet length, dubbuging mode, transmission delay, etc. Also allows the user to specify virtual terminal line-speed, and parity. show Display various system-dependent parameters established by the SET command. connect Establish a virtual terminal connection from the VAX to a computer hooked up to it through a TTY line. The connection uses the line speed, and parity defined by the set command. status Give information about the last file transfer; effective baud rate, number of ACK's, NAK's, and bad packets, etc. dcl Perform a call to vms dcl. ? Print help about various options available at a point in in a command string. (ie. set ? will show all options available pertaining to set) help Print instructions on various commands available in Kermit. You are reading it. exit Exit from Kermit. quit Same as exit command.