After some experimentation (and finally asking someone who knows), I found that the trick to getting a VMS BACKUP saveset from a VMS system onto an ULTRIX system (such as, is to use FTP> PUT /FDL on the VMS system and to use FTP> GET /FDL on the receiving system. So, if you forgot to use the UCX command FTP> GET /FDL when you pulled these savesets over from gatekeeper: GHOSTSCRIPT.SAV GHOSTVIEW.SAV MIT_X11_R5_XAW_XMU.SAV you will get CRC errors from $BACKUP when you try to unpack them. Oh, and you do not need to bother copying the .SAVfdl files. Those will be copied and used automatically when you use the /FDL switch on the GET command. Kelly - 6/15/94 PS - 8/10/94 If you do not have TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (aka UCX), then you probably cannot use the /FDL qualifier on the FTP> GET and PUT commands. In that case, the thing to do is: - copy the .SAV files as BINARY, IMAGE, or whatever your FTP calls that - copy the others as TEXT, ASCII, or whatever - then on your VMS system, for each of the .SAV files: - $CREATE whichever.SAVFIXED/FDL=whichever.SAVFDL - $COPY whichever.SAV whichever.SAVFIXED /OVERLAY The $CREATE /FDL will create the new, empty BACKUP saveset file with the correct file format. The $COPY /OVERLAY will dump the data from the broken file into the correct file. Then you can use $BACKUP to restore from the new .SAVFIXED savesets.