ftp.digital.com Archive Index Description

The index files provided in the anonymous FTP directory on ftp.digital.com are local inventions. We used "ls-lR.Z" files for many years -- in fact, we were the second ftp site after uunet.uu.net (now ftp.uu.net) to do so. However, since ls-lR.Z files do not contain the entire path name on each line, they are worthless to the grep command. The new format is designed to be used by grep or any line-at-a-time text scanner. We provide both HTTP and FTP access to our index files.

For HTTP, we have a web page that accepts grep patterns.

For FTP, we've added a local "site" extension in our ftp server so that anonymous ftp users can run a grep on our computer and only send to their computer the index information that they want to see. This is quite a bit more efficient than pulling over the entire index and then scanning it on your remote (to us) computer. To use our FTP site index command, do something like this from your ftp> prompt:

quote site exec index PATTERN
where PATTERN is the thing you want to scan for. try "emacs", for example.

For those interested in the old ls-lR*.Z files, we apologize but they are no longer available and will not be made available at any time in the future. If you want to copy the new index files, we make four versions available:

Index-byname	pathnames listed more-or-less by pathname order
Index-byname.Z	compressed
Index-bytime	pathnames listed in date-last-updated order, newest first
Index-bytime.Z	compressed

They can be copied from the locations below. Warning: they are very big -- 3MB compressed and 16MB uncompressed (as of 29 July 1995).

FTP access

Questions and complaints about ftp.digital.com should be sent to gw-archives@pa.dec.com.

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