Compaq Multimedia Services
for OpenVMS Alpha
Programmer's Guide

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8.2.6 Sample RIFF Form Definition and RIFF Form

Example 8-1 defines <GOBL-form> , the fictitious RIFF form of type GOBL .

Example 8-1 Type GOBL RIFF Form Definition

<GOBL-form> --->   RIFF( 'GOBL'                   // RIFF form header 
                         [<org-ck>]               // Origin chunk (def. (0,0,0)) 
                         <obj-list> )             // Series of graphical objects 
<org-ck> --->      org( <origin:3D_POINT> )       // Origin of object list    
<obj-list> --->    LIST( 'obj' { <sqr-ck>  |      // An object is square 
                                 <circ-ck> |      // or a circle 
                                 <poly-ck>  }...) // or a polygon 
<sqr-ck> --->      sqr( <pt1:3D_POINT>            // a vertex 
                        <pt2:3D_POINT>            // a second vertex 
                        <pt3:3D_POINT> )          // a third vertex 
<circ-ck> --->     circ( <center:3D_POINT>        // center of circle 
                         <circumPt:3D_POINT> )    // pt. on circumference 
<poly-ck> --->     poly( <pt:3D_POINT>...)        // list of pts in polygon 
<3D_POINT> --->    struct                         // defined in "gobl.h" 
                         INT x;                   // x coordinate 
                         INT y;                   // y coordinate 
                         INT z;                   // z coordinate 
                   } 3D_POINT 

Example 8-2 shows a sample RIFF form that adheres to the form definition for form type GOBL . The example contains three subchunks: an INFO list, an org chunk, and an obj chunk.

Example 8-2 RIFF Form Adhering to Type GOBL RIFF Form Definition

        LIST('INFO'               // INFO list: filename and copyright 
                INAM("A House"Z) 
                ICOP("(C) Copyright Joe Inc. 1991"Z) 
        org (2, 0, 0)             // Origin of object list 
        LIST('obj'                // Object list: two polygons 
                poly(0,0,0 2,0,0 2,2,0 1,3,0 0,2,0) 
                poly(0,0,5 2,0,5 2,2,5 1,3,5 0,2,5) 
    )                             // End of form 

8.3 Multimedia File Formats

The RIFF format is a tagged-file structure and is the preferred format for multimedia files.

Table 8-6 shows the multimedia file types and formats read by Multimedia Services for OpenVMS.

Table 8-6 Multimedia File Types and Formats
File Type File Format Description
WAVE .wav Audio file
AVI .avi Audio/video interleaved sequence

See Section 6.3 for more information about the functions used to support file I/O to RIFF files.

8.4 WAVE File Format

The WAVE file format contains audio data encapsulated in chunks inside a RIFF file. The <fmt-ck> (waveform format) chunk and the <data-ck> (waveform data) chunk are mandatory in a WAVE file. The <fmt-ck> chunk must always occur before the <data-ck> chunk. As with all RIFF files, application programs must expect and ignore any unknown chunks.

Example 8-3 shows a WAVE format file.

Example 8-3 WAVE Format File

<WAVEFORM>  ---> RIFF( 'WAVE'                   /* format type */ 
                       <fmt-ck>                 /* waveform format */ 
                       <data-ck> )              /* waveform data */ 
<fmt-ck>  ---> fmt(    <wave-format>            /* WAVEFORMAT structure */ 
                       <format-specific> )      /* Dependent on format cat */ 
<wave-format>  ---> struct  {                               
                        WORD    wFormatTag;      /* format category */ 
                        WORD    nChannels;       /* number of channels */ 
                        DWORD   nSamplesPerSec;  /* sampling rate */ 
                        DWORD   nAvgBytesPerSec; /* for buffering */ 
                        WORD    nBlockAlign;     /* block alignmen */ 
<PCM-format-specific>  ---> struct  { 
                        UINT     nBitsPerSample;      /* Sample size */ 
<data-ck>  --->     data( <wave-data> ) 

8.4.1 Accessing Format Information from a WAVE File

Use the multimedia file I/O functions described in Section 6.6 to get wave-format information from a WAVE file. Specifically, use the mmioDescend function to locate the fmt chunk containing the format information. Then, use the mmioRead function to read the format chunk directly into the proper format structure.

Example 8-4 shows how to access format information from a WAVE file using the mmioDescend and mmioRead functions.

Example 8-4 Obtaining Format Information from a WAVE File

void ReversePlay() 
    HMMIO       hmmio; 
    MMCKINFO    mmckinfoParent; 
    MMCKINFO    mmckinfoSubchunk; 
    DWORD       dwFmtSize; 
    char        szFileName[ MAX_FILENAME_SIZE ]; 
    WAVEFORMAT  *pFormat; 
    /* Open the given file for reading. */ 
    /* Locate a "RIFF" chunk with a "WAVE" form type */ 
    /* to make sure it's a WAVE file. */ 
    /* Now find the format chunk (form type "fmt "). It should be */ 
    /* a subchunk of the "RIFF" PARENT CHUNK. */ 
    mmckinfoSubchunk.ckid = mmioFOURCC('f', 'm', 't', ' '); 
    if (mmioDescend(hmmio, &mmckinfoSubchunk, &mmckinfoParent, 
        fprintf(stderr, "WAVE file is corrupted."); 
        mmioClose(hmmio, 0); 
    /* Get the size of the format chunk, and allocate memory */ 
    /* for it */ 
    dwFmtSize = mmckinforSubchunk.cksize; 
    pFormat = (WAVEFORMAT *) mmeAllocMem(LOWOR(dwFmtSize)); 
    if (!pFormat) 
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for format chunk."); 
        mmioClose(hmmio, 0); 
    /* Read the format chunk. */ 
    if (mmioRead(hmmio, pFormat, dwFmtSize) != dwFmtSize) 
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read format chunk."); 
        mmioClose(hmmio, 0); 
    /* Make sure it is a PCM file. */ 
    if (pFormat->wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) 
        mmioClose(hmmio, 0); 
        fprintf(stderr, "The file is not a PCM file."); 
    /* Make sure the system has a waveform output */ 
    /* device capable of playing this format. */ 
    if (waveOutOpen(&hWaveOut, WAVE_MAPPER, (LPWAVEFORMAT)pFormat, 
        mmioClose(hmmio, 0); 
        fprintf(stderr, "The waveform device cannot play this format."); 

8.4.2 WAVE Chunk Descriptions

The fmt chunk contains the <wave-format> field, which includes a WAVEFORMAT data structure that specifies the format of the data contained in the data chunk.

The <wave-format> field (WAVEFORMAT data structure) contains the following fields:

Specifies flags indicating the WAVE format category of the file. The content of the <format-specific> field in the fmt chunk and the interpretation of data in the data chunk depend on this value. The following flags are defined:

Indicates that the file is in PCM format.

Indicates that the file is in MULAW format.

Specifies the number of channels represented in the data chunk, such as 1 for mono or 2 for stereo.

Specifies the sampling rate (in samples per second) at which each channel is to be played back.

Specifies the average number of bytes per second at which data in the data chunk is to be transferred. If the value of the wFormatTag field is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, then the nAvgBytesPerSec field is equal to the following:

nChannels * nSamplesPerSec * nBitsPerSample / 8

Playback software can estimate the buffer size using the value of the nAvgBytesPerSec field.

Specifies the block alignment (in bytes) of the data in the data chunk. If the wFormatTag field is set to WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, then the value of the nBlockAlign field is equal to the following:

nBitsPerSample * nChannels / 8

Applications that play back audio must process a multiple of the value of the nBlockAlign field bytes of data at a time so that the value of the nBlockAlign field can be used for buffer alignment.

The fmt chunk also contains the <format-specific> field. When the wFormatTag field of the <wave-format> structure is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM (for PCM format data), then the <format-specific> field contains the nBitsPerSample field, which specifies the number of bits of data used to represent each sample. See Section 8.4.3 for more information about PCM format data.

Applications that play back audio must be written to allow for and to ignore any unknown <format-specific> arguments that occur at the end of this field.

8.4.3 WAVE Format Categories

The format category of a WAVE file is specified by the value of the wFormatTag field in the fmt chunk. The representation of data in the data chunk and the content of the <format-specific> field in the fmt chunk depend on the format category.

Currently, two waveform audio format categories are supported by Multimedia Services for OpenVMS: pulse code modulation (PCM) and MULAW. For PCM data, use the WAVE_FORMAT_PCM flag as the value of the wFormatTag field. For MULAW data, use the WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW flag as the value of the wFormatTag field.

The data chunk contains samples represented in PCM format. For WAVE files in this category, the <format-specific> field of the fmt chunk contains a <PCM-format-specific> structure that has a single field, nBitsPerSample.

The nBitsPerSample field specifies the number of bits of data used to represent each sample of each channel. If there are multiple channels, the sample size is the same for each channel.

Each sample is contained in an integer ( i ). The size of i is the smallest number of bytes required to contain the specified sample size. The least significant byte is stored first. The bits that represent the sample amplitude are stored in the most significant bits of i and the remaining bits are set to zero.

For example, if the sample size (contained in the nBitsPerSample field) is 12 bits, then each sample is stored in a two-byte integer. The least significant four bits of the first (least significant) byte are set to zero.

See Table 3-1 for more information about the data format and maximum, minimum, and midpoint values for PCM waveform samples of various sizes.

In a single-channel WAVE file, samples are stored consecutively. For stereo WAVE files, channels are represented as follows:

The speaker-position mapping for more than two channels is currently undefined. In multiple-channel WAVE files, samples are interleaved.

See Chapter 3 for information about data packing for mono and stereo WAVE files.

8.4.4 WAVE File Examples

Example 8-5 presents a PCM WAVE file that has an 11.025 kHz sampling rate, mono, 8 bits/sample.

Example 8-5 PCM WAVE File: 11.025 kHz Sampling Rate, Mono, 8 Bits/Sample

RIFF('WAVE' fmt)1, 1, 11025, 11025, 1, 8) 
            data( <wave-data> ) ) 

Example 8-6 presents a PCM WAVE file that has a 22.05 kHz sampling rate, mono, 8 bits/sample.

Example 8-6 PCM WAVE File: 22.05 kHz Sampling Rate, Mono, 8 Bits/Sample

RIFF('WAVE' fmt)1, 2, 22050, 44100, 2, 8) 
            data( <wave-data> ) ) 

Example 8-7 presents a PCM WAVE file that has a 44.1 kHz sampling rate, mono, 20 bits/sample.

Example 8-7 PCM WAVE File: 44.1 kHz Sampling Rate, Mono, 20 Bits/Sample

RIFF('WAVE' INFO(INAME("0 Canada"Z))      
            fmt(1, 1, 44100, 132300, 3, 20) 
            data( <wave-data> ) ) 

8.5 AVI File Format

The Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) file format is a RIFF file specification used with applications that capture, edit, and play back audio/video sequences. AVI files use the AVI RIFF form. The AVI RIFF form is identified by the four-character code "AVI ". A four-character code is a 32-bit quantity representing a sequence of one to four ASCII alphanumeric characters, padded on the right with blank characters.

All AVI files include two mandatory LIST subchunks: 'hdrl' and 'movi' . The 'hdrl' subchunk defines the format of the data. The 'movi' subchunk contains the data for the AVI sequence. The 'hdrl' subchunk must be positioned first in a LIST chunk. The 'hdrl' subchunk is followed by the 'movi' subchunk. The index chunk, 'idx1' , is optional and specifies the location of data chunks within the file.

Example 8-8 shows an AVI RIFF file expanded with the chunks needed to complete the LIST 'hdrl' and 'movi' subchunks.

Example 8-8 Expanded AVI RIFF File

RIFF (  'AVI ' 
         LIST ('hdrl' 
               'avih'(<MAIN AVI Header>) 
                LIST ('strl' 
                      'strh'(<Stream header>) 
                      'strf'(<Stream format>) 
                      'strd'(additional header data) 
         LIST ('movi' 
                      {SubChunk | LIST('rec ' 

8.6 Data Structures for AVI Files

The function prototypes, constants, flags, and data structures used in the RIFF chunks are defined in the avifmt.h header file. The following data structures are included in the header file: MainAVIHeader, AVIStreamHeader, AVIPALCHANGE, and AVIINDEXENTRY.

8.6.1 MainAVIHeader Data Structure

An AVI file begins with the main header. This header is identified with the avih four-character code. The header contains general information about the file, such as the number of streams within the file and the width and height of the AVI sequence.

Example 8-9 shows the MainAVIHeader data structure definition.

Example 8-9 MainAVIHeader Data Structure Definition

typedef struct { 
    DWORD  dwMicroSecPerFrame;    /* frame display rate */ 
    DWORD  dwMaxBytesPerSec;      /* maximum transfer rate in bytes/sec */ 
    DWORD  dwPaddingGranularity   /* pad to multiples of this size */ 
    DWORD  dwFlags;               /* flags specifying info about AVI file */ 
    DWORD  dwTotalFrames;         /* number of frames in AVI file */ 
    DWORD  dwInitialFrames;       /* amount audio stream is skewed */ 
    DWORD  dwStreams;             /* number of streams in the AVI file */ 
    DWORD  dwSuggestedBufferSize; /* buffer size for reading AVI file */ 
    DWORD  dwWidth;               /* width of the AVI file in pixels */ 
    DWORD  dwReserved[4];         /* reserved */ 
} MainAVIHeader; 

The MainAVIHeader data structure has the following fields:

Specifies the frame display rate. This value indicates the overall timing for the file.

Specifies the approximate maximum data transfer rate of the file. This value indicates the number of bytes per second the system must handle to present an AVI sequence as specified by the other parameters contained in the main header and stream header chunks.

Specifies the padding size. All padding is done to multiples of this size. This is normally 2 kB.


For CD-ROM usage, audio data has to be separated into single-frame pieces, and audio and video for each frame needs to be grouped into record ( 'rec' ) chunks. The record chunks must be padded so that their sizes are multiples of 2 kB, and the beginning of the actual data in the LIST chunk lies on a 2-kB boundary in the file.

Specifies any applicable flags. The following flags are defined:

Indicates that the AVI file has an 'idx1' chunk.

Indicates that the index must be used to determine the order of presentation of the data.

Indicates that the AVI file is interleaved.

Indicates that the AVI file is a specially allocated file used for capturing real-time video.

Indicates that the AVI file contains copyrighted data.

Specifies the total number of frames of data in the file.

Specifies the number of frames in the file prior to the initial frame of the AVI sequence in this field. Use this field when creating interleaved files to indicate how far ahead of the video data the audio data is skewed.

Specifies the number of streams in the file. For example, a file with audio and video has two streams.

Specifies the suggested buffer size for reading the file. Generally, this size should be large enough to contain the largest chunk in the file. If set to zero, or if it is too small, the playback software must reallocate memory during playback, which reduces performance. For an interleaved file, the buffer size must be large enough to read an entire record and not just a chunk.

Specifies the width of the frame in the AVI file in pixels.

Specifies the height of the frame in the AVI file in pixels.


8.6.2 AVIStreamHeader Data Structure

The AVIStreamHeader data structure contains header information for a single stream of a file. The main header is followed by one or more 'strl' chunks. A 'strl' chunk is required for each data stream. These chunks contain information about the streams in the file. Each 'strl' chunk must contain a stream header and stream format chunk. Stream header chunks are identified by the four-character code 'strh' and stream format chunks are identified by the four-character code 'strf' .

In addition to the stream header and stream format chunks, the 'strl' chunk might also contain a stream data chunk. Stream data chunks are identified by the four-character code 'strd' .

Example 8-10 shows the AVIStreamHeader data structure definition.

Example 8-10 AVIStreamHeader Data Structure Definition

typedef struct { 
    FOURCC    fccType;               /* type of data in the stream */ 
    FOURCC    fccHandler;            /* the specific data handler  */ 
    DWORD     dwFlags;               /* information about the data stream */ 
    DWORD     dwPriority;            /* reserved field */ 
    DWORD     dwInitialFrames;       /* audio data skew */ 
    DWORD     dwScale;               /* scaling value used with dwRate */ 
    DWORD     dwRate;                /* video frame rate or audio sample rate */ 
    DWORD     dwStart;               /* starting time of AVI file */ 
    DWORD     dwLength;              /* length of AVI file */ 
    DWORD     dwSuggestedBufferSize; /* maximum buffer size */ 
    DWORD     dwQuality;             /* quality of video stream */ 
    DWORD     dwSampleSize;          /* sample size */ 
    DUMMYRECT rcFrame                /* text or video stream destination */ 
}  AVIStreamHeader; 

The AVIStreamHeader data structure has the following fields:

Contains a four-character code that specifies the type of data contained in the stream. The following values are currently defined for AVI data:

Indicates that the stream contains video data. The stream format chunk contains a BITMAPINFOHEADER data structure that can include palette information.

Indicates that the stream contains audio data. The stream format chunk contains a WAVEFORMAT or a PCMWAVEFORMAT data structure.

Other four-character codes identify non-AVI data.

Contains a four-character code that identifies a specific data handler. The data handler is the preferred handler for the stream.

Specifies any applicable flags. The bits in the high-order word of these flags are specific to the type of data contained in the stream.

The following flags are currently defined:

Indicates that this stream must not be enabled by default.

Indicates that this video stream contains palette changes. This flag warns the playback software that it will need to animate the palette.

Reserved field. Set to 0.

Specifies how far audio data is skewed ahead of the video frames in interleaved files. This is typically about 0.75 seconds. Set this value equal to the value of the dwInitialFrames field in the MainAVIHeader data structure.

Is used with the value of the dwRate field to specify the time scale that this stream uses. Divide the dwRate value by the dwScale value to determine the number of video frames or audio samples per second.

Specifies the number of video frames or audio samples per second. For video streams, this rate is the frame rate. For audio streams containing PCM data, this rate is the sample rate.

The dwRate value is divided by the dwScale value to determine the number of video frames or audio samples per second. This is useful for specifying nonintegral frame rates or sample rates. For example, to produce a video frame rate of 29.97 frames per second, an application can set the dwRate field to 2997 and the dwScale field to 100.

Specifies the starting time of the AVI file. Normally, this time is zero but use the value of the dwStart field to specify a delay time for a stream that does not start concurrently with the file.


For CD-ROM usage, the audio stream must be skewed approximately 0.75 seconds ahead of the video stream to allow prebuffering of data to reduce or eliminate the chance for gaps in the audio playback. Compaq recommends that all AVI files be encoded this way.

Specifies the length of this stream. The units are defined by the dwRate and dwScale fields of the stream's header.

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