Compaq Multimedia Services
for OpenVMS Alpha
Programmer's Guide

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Chapter 8
Multimedia File Formats

This chapter presents the file formats supported by Multimedia Services for OpenVMS. The preferred format for multimedia files is the Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF). The RIFF format is a tagged-file structure.

Multimedia Services for OpenVMS reads the following types of RIFF files:

The remainder of this chapter discusses these types of RIFF files in detail.

8.1 Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF)

The basic building block of a RIFF file is called a chunk. Each chunk consists of the following fields:

The only chunks allowed to contain other chunks (called subchunks) are those with a chunk ID of RIFF or LIST . The first chunk in a RIFF file must be a RIFF chunk. All other chunks in the file are subchunks of the RIFF chunk.

8.1.1 RIFF Chunks

A RIFF chunk includes an additional field in the first four bytes of the data field. This additional field provides the form type of the field. The form type is a four-character code identifying the format of the data stored in the file. For example, Microsoft waveform audio files have a form type of WAVE.

Figure 8-1 shows a RIFF chunk containing two subchunks.

Figure 8-1 RIFF Chunk with Two Subchunks

8.1.2 LIST Chunks

Like a RIFF chunk, a LIST chunk also includes an additional field in the first four bytes of the data field. This additional field contains the list type of the field. The list type is a four-character code identifying the contents of the list. For example, a LIST chunk with a list type of INFO can contain ICOP and ICRD chunks providing copyright and creation data information.

Figure 8-2 shows a RIFF chunk containing a LIST chunk and one other subchunk.

Figure 8-2 RIFF Chunk with LIST Subchunk

8.2 Representing RIFF Files

This section describes the standard notation used to present format samples of RIFF files. Because RIFF is a binary format, an ASCII representation of a RIFF file, which is easier to understand, is given here.

8.2.1 RIFF File Element Notation

Table 8-1 presents notation conventions used to describe RIFF file elements.

Table 8-1 RIFF File Element Notation Conventions
Notation Description
<element label> RIFF file element with the label "element label"
<element label:TYPE> RIFF file element with data type "TYPE"
[<element label>] Optional RIFF file element
<element label>... One or more copies of the specified element
[<element label>]... Zero or more copies of the specified element

The following sections present additional conventions.

8.2.2 Basic Notation for Representing RIFF Files

Table 8-2 summarizes the basic elements of the RIFF notation necessary to represent sample RIFF files.

Table 8-2 Basic Notation for RIFF File Elements
Notation Description
<ckID>(<ckData>) The chunk with ID <ckID> and data <ckData> . The <ckID> field is a four-character code that can be enclosed in single quotes for emphasis.

For example, the following notation describes a RIFF chunk with a form type of QRST. The data portion of the chunk contains a FOO subchunk.

RIFF('QRST' FOO(17 23))

The following example describes an ICOP chunk containing the string "Copyright Encyclopedia International.":

'ICOP' ("Copyright Encyclopedia International."Z)

<number>[<modifier>] A number consisting of an optional sign (+ or -) followed by one or more digits and modified by the optional modifier. Valid <modifier> values are the following:
<modifier> Meaning
C 8-bit number in decimal format
CH 8-bit number in hexadecimal format
None 16-bit number in decimal format
H 16-bit number in hexadecimal format
L 32-bit number in decimal format
LH 32-bit number in hexadecimal format

For example:


Note that -1 and 65535 represent the same value. The application reading this file must know whether to interpret the number as signed or unsigned.

'<chars>' A four-character code (32-bit quantity) consisting of a sequence of zero to four ASCII characters in the given order. If <chars> is fewer than four characters long, it is implicitly padded on the right with blanks. Two single quotes are equivalent to four blanks. For example:


<chars> can include escape sequences, which are combinations of characters introduced by a backslash (\) and are used to represent other characters. See Table 8-3 for a list of escape sequences.

"<string>"[<modifier>] The sequence of ASCII characters contained in <string> and modified by the optional modifiers <modifier> . The quoted text can include any of the escape sequences listed in Table 8-3. Valid <modifier> values are the following:
<modifier> Meaning
None No NULL terminator or size prefix
Z String is NULL terminated
B String has an 8-bit (byte) size prefix
W String has a 16-bit (word) size prefix
BZ String has a byte size prefix and is NULL terminated
WZ String has a word size prefix and is NULL terminated

A NULL-terminated string is a string that is followed by a character with ASCII value 0. A size prefix is an unsigned integer, stored as a byte or word, preceding the string characters that specifies the length of the string. In the case of BZ or WZ modifiers, the size prefix specifies the length of the string without the terminating NULL. For example:

"No prefix, no NULL terminator"
"No prefix, NULL terminator"Z
"Byte prefix, NULL terminator"BZ

8.2.3 Escape Sequences

Table 8-3 lists the escape sequences that can be used in four-character codes and "<string>" chunks.

Table 8-3 Escape Sequences

\n 10 New-line character
\t 9 Horizontal tab character
\b 8 Backspace character
\r 13 Carriage return character
\f 12 Form-feed character
\\ 92 Backslash character
\' 39 Single-quote character
\" 34 Double-quote character
\ ddd Octal ddd Arbitrary character

8.2.4 Extended Notation

Table 8-4 shows the extended notation that can be used in conjunction with the standard notation to unambiguously define the structure of new (user-created) RIFF forms.

Table 8-4 Extended Notation for RIFF Form Definitions
Notation Description
<name> A label that refers to some element of the file, where name is the name of the label. For example:


Conventionally, a label that refers to a chunk is named <ckID-ck> , where cKID is the chunk ID. Similarly, a label that refers to a RIFF form is named <formType-form> , where formType is the name of the form's type.

<name> ---> elements The actual data represented by <name> defined as elements. This states that <name> is an abbreviation for elements.

The following example defines label <GOBL-form> as representing a RIFF form with chunk ID GOBL and data equal to <form-data> , where <form-data> is a label that is defined in another rule. Note that a label can represent any data, not just a RIFF chunk or form:

<GOBL-form> ---> RIFF ('GOBL'<form-data>)

  Note: A number of atomic labels are defined in Section 8.2.5. These labels refer to primitive data types.
<name:type> This is the same as <name> , but it also defines <name> as equivalent to <type> . This notation obviates the following rule:
<name> ---> <type>

This allows a symbolic name to be given to an element of a file format and the specification of the element data type. For example:

<xyz-coordinate> ---> <x:INT> <y:INT> 

The previous example defines <xyz-coordinate> to consist of three parts concatenated together: <x> , <y> , and <z> . The definition also specifies that <x> , <y> , and <z> are integers. This notation is equivalent to the following:

<xyz-coordinate> ---> <x> <y> <z>

<x> ---> <INT>
<y> ---> <INT>
<z> ---> <INT>
[elements] An optional sequence of labels and literal data. Surrounded by brackets, it can be considered an element.

The following example defines form FOO with an optional <header> chunk followed by a mandatory <data> chunk:

<FOO-form> ---> 

el1|el2|...|eln Exactly one of the listed elements must be present. The following example defines the hdr chunk's data as containing either <hdr-x> , <hdr-y> , or <hdr-z> :
<hdr-ck> ---> hdr(<hdr-x> | <hdr-y> | 

element... One or more occurrences of element can be present. Note that an ellipsis has this meaning if it follows an element; in other cases, such as A|B|...|Z , the ellipsis retains its ordinary English meaning. To avoid confusion, use an ellipsis to indicate one or more occurrences of element .

The following example defines the data of the data chunk to contain integer count followed by one or more occurrences of integer item :

<data-ck> ---> data(<count:INT> <item:INT>...)

[element]... Zero or more occurrences of element can be present. The following example defines the data of the data chunk to contain integer count followed by zero or more occurrences of integer item :
<data-ck> ---> data(<count:INT> 

{elements} The group of elements within the braces is considered a single element. The following example defines <blorg> to be either <this> , <that> , or one or more occurrences of <other> :
<blorg> ---> <this> | <that> | 

The following example defines <blorg> to be either <this> or one or more occurrences of <that> or <other> , intermixed in any way:

<blorg> ---> <this> | {<that> | 

struct {...} name A structure defined using C syntax. This can be used instead of a sequence of labels if a C header (include) file is available that defines the structure. The label used to refer to the structure must be the same as the structure's typedef name. For example:
<3D_POINT> ---> struct

INT x; // x coordinate
INT y; // y coordinate
INT z; // z coordinate

Wherever possible, the types used in the structure should be the types listed in Section 8.2.5 because these types are more portable that C types, such as int . The structure fields are assumed to be present in the file in the order given with no padding or forced alignments.

// comment An explanatory comment to a rule. For example:
<weekend> ---> 'Sat'|'Sun' // four-

character code for day

8.2.5 Atomic Labels

Table 8-5 lists atomic labels, which are labels that refer to primitive data types.

Table 8-5 Atomic Labels for Primitive Data Types
Label Meaning C Type
<CHAR> 8-bit signed integer signed char
<BYTE> 8-bit unsigned quantity unsigned char
<INT> 16-bit signed integer signed int
<WORD> 16-bit unsigned quantity unsigned int
<LONG> 32-bit signed integer signed long
<DWORD> 32-bit unsigned integer unsigned long
<FLOAT> 32-bit IEEE floating-point number float
<DOUBLE> 64-bit IEEE floating-point number double
<STR> String (sequence of characters) -- --
<ZSTR> NULL-terminated string -- --
<BSTR> String with byte (8-bit) size prefix -- --
<WSTR> String with word (16-bit) size prefix -- --
<BZSTR> NULL-terminated string with byte size prefix -- --
<WZSTR> NULL-terminated string with word size prefix -- --

A NULL-terminated string is a string that is followed by a character with ASCII value 0.

A size prefix is an unsigned integer, stored as a byte or a word, that specifies the length of the string. In the case of strings with BZ or WZ modifiers, the size prefix specifies the size of the string without the terminating NULL.

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