2.10.1 Using the /fkapargs Option

Enclose KAP command qualifiers passed through kfort by using the /fkapargs qualifier with parentheses as follows:

kfort /fkapargs=(/optimize=5/roundoff=3/scalaropt=3)/nowarn myprog.f

Never put spaces between KAP qualifiers enclosed by parentheses.

Fortran compiler qualifiers, for example, /nowarn , do not require parentheses.

You may also use commas between qualifiers enclosed by parentheses, as follows:

kfort /fkapargs=(/optimize=5,/roundoff=3/,scalaropt=3)/nowarn myprog.f

The following example shows KAP qualifiers following /fkapargs enclosed with double quotation marks:

kfort /fkapargs=(/optimize=5 /roundoff=3/ scalaropt=3) /nowarn myprog.f

The quotation marks syntax requires a space before /fkapargs and a space following the second pair of quotation marks.

You may also use commas between qualifiers enclosed by parentheses, as follows:

kfort /fkapargs=(/optimize=5,/roundoff=3/,scalaropt=3) /nowarn myprog.f

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Command-Line Qualifiers

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