D.1.4 MVBITS Subroutine

The MVBITS subroutine transfers a bit field from one storage location (source) to a field in a second storage location (destination). The call to MVBITS takes the following form:

CALL MVBITS (m,i,len,n,j)
Is an integer variable or array element that represents the source location (the location from which a bit field is transferred).
Is an integer expression that identifies the first bit position in the field transferred from m.
Is an integer expression that identifies the length of the field transferred from m.
Is an integer variable or array element that represents the destination location (the location to which a bit field is transferred).
Is an integer expression that identifies the starting position, within n, for the bits being transferred.

The MVBITS subroutine transfers len bits from positions i through i+len-1 of the source location m to positions j through j+len- 1 of the destination location n. Other bits of the destination location and all of the bits of the source location remain unchanged.

The values of i+len must be less than 32, and j+len must be less than or equal to 32.

For More Information:

For more details on bit fields, see Section D.2.

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