C.2 Intrinsic Functions

The tables within this section summarize Fortran intrinsic (or library) functions. These intrinsic functions are categorized as follows:

Category  Description and Functions 
Mathematical  Functions that evaluate mathematical functions: ACOS, ACOSD, ASIN, ASIND, ATAN, ATAND, ATAN2, ATAN2D, COS, COSD, COSH, EXP, LOG, LOG10, SIN, SIND, SINH, SQRT, TAN, TAND, TANH  (Section C.2.1
Numeric  Functions that perform type conversions and numeric operations: ABS (and IABS), CMPLX, CONJG, DBLE, DCMPLX, DFLOAT, DIM (and IDIM), DPROD, FLOAT, IFIX, IMAG, INT (AINT, IDINT, and IQINT), MAX (MAX0, MAX1, and AMAX0), MIN (MIN0, MIN1, and AMIN0), MOD, NINT (ANINT, IDNINT, and IQNINT), QEXT, QFLOAT, REAL (and SNGL), REAL (and DREAL), SIGN (and ISIGN), ZEXT   (Section C.2.2
Bit Manipulation   Functions that manipulate bits in the binary patterns that represent integer data types: BTEST, IAND, IBCLR, IBITS, IBSET, IEOR, IOR, ISHFT, ISHFTC, NOT   (Section C.2.3
Character  Functions that perform character operations: CHAR, ICHAR, INDEX, LEN, LGE, LGT, LLE, LLT  (Section C.2.4
Miscellaneous  Functions that return information on processes: NWORKERS; bytes of storage: SIZEOF; whether a number is a NaN value: ISNAN (Alpha only); and the class of an IEEE real argument: FP_CLASS (Alpha only).   (Section C.2.5

Each table shows the following information:

In a table, numbers in brackets refer to footnotes following the table.

For example, the following is the mathematical table entry for the ACOSD intrinsic function:

Function   No. of Arguments   Generic Name   Specific Name   Type of Argument   Type of Result 
Arc Cosine [1,2](degree)  ACOSD  ACOSD  REAL*4  REAL*4 
Arc Cos a      DACOSD   REAL*8  REAL*8 
      QACOSD[3]   REAL*16  REAL*16 

The following explains the table information for ACOSD:

Function         This function returns the arc cosine of the argument in degrees. The short description is "Arc Cosine (degrees)". This description also shows a mathematical definition "Arc Cos a" (the numbers in brackets refer to table footnotes 1 and 2). 
No. of Arguments  This function requires one argument. 
Generic Name  ACOSD is the generic name. 
Specific Name  ACOSD has three specific names: ACOSD, DACOSD, and QACOSD (the superscript refers to table footnote 3). 
Type of Argument  For ACOSD, the argument must be REAL*4; for DACOSD, the argument must be REAL*8; for QACOSD (VMS, U*X), the argument must be REAL*16. 
Type of Result  For a REAL*4 argument (ACOSD), the result returned is REAL*4; for a REAL*8 argument (DACOSD), the result returned is REAL*8; for a REAL*16 (VMS, U*X) argument (QACOSD), the result returned is REAL*16. 

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