10.6.9 DISPOSE Keyword

The DISPOSE (or DISP) keyword determines the disposition of the file connected to a logical unit when the unit is closed. It takes one of the following forms:

DISP = dis
Is a character expression with one of the following values:

  • 'KEEP' or 'SAVE': Retain the file after the unit is closed.

  • 'DELETE': Delete the file after the unit is closed.

  • 'PRINT': Submit the file to the system line printer spooler and retain it; use this value only on sequential files.

  • 'PRINT/DELETE': Submit the file to the system line printer spooler and then delete it; use this value only on sequential files.

  • 'SUBMIT': Fork a process to execute the file.

  • 'SUBMIT/DELETE': Fork a process to execute the file, and delete the file after the fork is completed.

A read-only file cannot be deleted. A scratch file cannot be saved.

The default is 'KEEP'.

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