Unformatted Indexed WRITE Statement (VMS only)

The unformatted indexed WRITE statement retrieves binary values from internal storage and writes those values to an external record accessed under the keyed mode of access. The values are not translated.

No key parameters are required in the list of control parameters because all necessary key information is contained in the output record.

If the values specified by the I/O list do not fill a fixed-length record being written, the unused portion of the record is filled with zeros. If the values specified do not fit in the record, an error occurs.

Since records (structured data items) usually have a fixed record format, you can write to indexed files by using a structure that models the file's record format. This allows you to accomplish the I/O operation with a single record variable instead of a potentially long I/O list.

For More Information:

For details on how to use records to write to indexed files, see your user manual.

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