Argument List Built-In Functions

To call non-Fortran subprograms, you may need to pass the actual arguments in a form different from that used by Fortran.

The %VAL, %DESCR (VMS only), and %REF built-in functions allow you to change the form of an actual argument. You must specify these functions in the actual argument list of a CALL statement or function reference. You cannot use them in any other context.

These built-in functions specify how to pass an actual argument (for example, a) to a subprogram, as follows:

Function        Effect 
%VAL (a)  Pass argument a as a 32-bit immediate value. (If a is shorter than 32 bits, it is sign-extended to a 32-bit value.) On Alpha processors, a can be a 64-bit value. 
%REF (a)  Pass argument a by reference. 
%DESCR (a) Pass argument a by descriptor. (VMS only) 

Table 6-1 lists the Compaq Fortran 77 defaults for argument-passing, and the allowed uses of %VAL, %REF, and %DESCR.

Table 6-1 Argument List Built-In Functions and Defaults

    Allowed Functions
Actual Argument Data Type  Default  %VAL  %REF   %DESCR[1] 
Logical  REF  Yes[2]  Yes  Yes 
Integer  REF  Yes[2]  Yes  Yes 
REAL*4  REF  Yes  Yes  Yes 
REAL*8  REF  Yes[3]  Yes  Yes 
REAL*16[4]  REF  No  Yes  Yes 
COMPLEX*8  REF  No  Yes  Yes 
COMPLEX*16  REF  No  Yes  Yes 
Character  DESCR[1,5]  No  Yes  Yes 
Hollerith  REF  No  No  No 
Aggregate  REF  No  Yes  No 
Array Name         
Numeric  REF  No  Yes  Yes 
Character  DESCR[1,5]  No  Yes  Yes 
Aggregate  REF  No  Yes  No 
Procedure Name         
Numeric  REF  No  Yes  Yes 
Character  DESCR[1,5]  No  Yes  Yes 

[1] VMS only
[2] If a logical or integer value occupies less than 32 bits of storage, it is converted to a 32-bit value by sign extension. Use the ZEXT function if zero extension is desired.
[3] Alpha only
[4] VMS, U*X
[5] On Tru64 UNIX systems, character is passed by address and hidden length. (For more information, see your user manual.)

For More Information:

For details on argument-passing mechanisms, see your user manual.

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