BASEstartm Classic DAS
for Modicon®
Programmable Controllers
Installation and User's Guide

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B.4 PE Logged Messages

The following messages are logged by one or more of the Protocol Emulators (PEs).

Unsolicited ID !AD too big. Maximum allowed is !AD.
Explanation: Error. The user attempted to create a physical point with an unsolicited ID that was larger than the current maximum allowed.
User Action: Either increase the maxium unsolicited ID allowed or use an unsolicited ID that is within range. See Section for information on modifying the maximum allowed unsolicited ID value.

Error calling BCC$COMPILE_POINT for unsolicited ID !AD.
Logical point !AD.
Explanation: Error. When defining an unsolicited read point, the logical point is compiled to provide faster access to the logical point and the compile point call failed.
User Action: Examine the error message returned from the BCC$COMPILE_POINT call and take action based on the message found.

Trigger point already defined for unsolicited ID !AD.
Explanation: Error. The user is attempting to define a trigger unsolicited phypoint and a trigger unsolicited phypoint already exists for this unsolicited ID. Duplicate trigger unsolicited phypoints are not allowed.
User Action: None.

Point already defined for unsolicited ID !AD.
Explanation: Error. The user is attempting to define an unsolicited phypoint and an unsolicited phypoint already exists for this unsolicited ID. Duplicate unsolicited phypoints are not allowed.
User Action: None.

Download failed. Controller is in run mode.
Explanation: Error. An attempt to download a logic file to the programmable controller failed because the device is in run mode (not stopped).
User Action: Stop the controller. Then download the logic file to the programmable controller.

Download failed. Memory protect keyswitch is on.
Explanation: Error. An attempt to download a logic file to the programmable controller failed because the memory protect switch on the device is turned on.
User Action: Switch off the memory protect switch. Then download the logic file to the programmable controller.

Port !UB is already logged in.
Explanation: Error. The request failed because another user is already logged into the programmable controller at the indicated port.
User Action: Wait for the other user to log out and then retry the request.

Could not set login port for port !UB.
Explanation: Informational. When downloading a file to the programmable controller, the port currently logged into is greater than three. The DAS normally sets its own address as the device logged into the port, but if the port number is greater than three then the DAS cannot do this. In this case, this message is logged and the download continues.
User Action: None.

Device !AD download started.
Explanation: Informational. A download of a logic file to the programmable controller has been started.
User Action: None.

Device !AD download failed.
Explanation: Error. The download of a logic file to the programmable controller failed.
Explanation: Examine the history file for the reason for the failure and take corrective action based on the error found.

Device !AD download completed.
Explanation: Informational. The download of a logic file to the programmable controller has succeeded.
User Action: None.

Device !AD download cancelled.
Explanation: Error. The download of a logic file to the programmable controller was cancelled before it completed due to length of time to do the download.
User Action: Increase the timeout on the device definition to longer than the longest expected download time.

Device !AD upload started.
Explanation: Informational. An upload of a logic file from the programmable controller has been started.
User Action: None.

Device !AD upload failed.
Explanation: Error. The upload of a logic file from the programmable controller failed.
Explanation: Examine the history file for the reason for the failure and take corrective action based on the error found.

Device !AD upload completed.
Explanation: Informational. The upload of a logic file from the programmable controller has succeeded.
User Action: None.

Device !AD upload cancelled.
Explanation: Error. The upload of a logic file from the programmable controller was cancelled before it completed due to length of time to do the upload.
User Action: Increase the timeout on the device definition to longer than the longest expected upload time.

Error accessing file !AD.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when accessing the OpenVMS file when performing an upload from or download to the programmable controller.
User Action: Examine the error message and take action based on the error found.

Expected diagnostic data A55A (HEX), received data !XB!XB (HEX).
Explanation: Error. When doing a loop device command, the data received back from the programmable controller did not match the data sent. This error indicates a problem with being able to send and receive packets over the modbus network.
User Action: Check cabling for breaks, shorts, improper length, etc. If communicating using a terminal server, check the port counters for errors. Ensure that baud rate and parity are set properly.

Device error: Illegal function.
Explanation: Error. This error is being returned by the programmable controller.
User Action: Check for another user downloading a logic program to this device.

Device error: Illegal data address.
Explanation: Error. This error is being returned by the programmable controller.
User Action: Check that the address specified in the command is within the range of addresses available in the programmable controller.

Device error: Illegal data value.
Explanation: Error. This error is being returned by the programmable controller.
User Action: Check that the address specified in the command is an address type supported by the programmable controller.

Device error: Failure in associated device.
Explanation: Error. This error is being returned by the programmable controller.
User Action: Replace the programmable controller.

Device error: Device busy.
Explanation: Error. This error is being returned by the programmable controller.
User Action: Try the operation again later.

Device error: Negative acknowledgement.
Explanation: Error. This error is being returned by the programmable controller.
User Action: Retry the operation.

Device error: Not logged in.
Explanation: Error. This error is being returned by the programmable controller.
User Action: Check for other users executing control operations (such as start or stop) while a logic program is being downloaded to the programmable controller.

Device error: Illegal configuration.
Explanation: Error. This error is being returned by the programmable controller.
User Action: Reconfigure the programmable controller configuration table.

No logical point defined for unsolicited ID !AD.
Explanation: Error. A read request was received from the programmable controller, but a logical point does not exist for the physical point with the requested unsolicited ID.
User Action: Modify the physical point to put a valid logical point name in the unsolicited ID. See Unsolicited IDs for Read for details on formating of the unsolicited ID.

Too little data for unsolicited ID !AD.
Requested !UL words, but only !UL words in logical point.
Explanation: Error. The size of the logical point is smaller than the size of the data that the programmable controller requested. The data from the logical point is sent and the remainder of the data requested by the programmable controller is set to zeroes.
User Action: Modify the programmable controller program to request a data size that is less than or equal to the size of the corresponding logical point or modify the logical point to be larger in size.

Error calling BCC$GET_VALUE for unsolicited ID !AD.
Explanation: Error. A request to read data from the host was received and a matching physical point was found, but the call to get the current value of the logical point failed.
User Action: Examine the error message returned and take action based on the error found. If the logical point exists then it may be necessary to force recompiling of the logical point name by stopping BASEstar software, deleting the ILAN$_SECTION.DAT file and restarting BASEstar software.

Error in point status for unsolicited ID !AD.
Explanation: Error. A request to read data from the host was received, a matching physical point was found and the call to BCC$GET_VALUE succeeded, but the status of the logical point is bad.
User Action: Examine the error message returned and take action based on the error found.

Request for unsolicited ID !AD exceeds maximum allowed of !AD.
Explanation: Error. An unsolicited request (read or write) was received, but the address in the request is not within the range currently allowed by the DAS.
User Action: Either increase the maxium unsolicited ID allowed and create a matching physical point or change the programmable controller logic to us an unsolicited ID that is within range. See Section for information on modifying the maximum allowed unsolicited ID value.

Request for unsolicited ID !AD, unsolicited point is not configured.
Explanation: Error. An unsolicited request (read or write) was received, but no matching physical point exists for the address received in the message.
User Action: Create a physical point with an unsolicited ID that matches the address in the message or modify the programmable controller to use an address of an existing physical point.

No license is active for this software product.
Explanation: Error. The DAS could not find a license for the product.
User Action: Register and load a valid license for this DAS.

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