BASEstartm Classic DAS
for Allen-Bradley
Data Highwaytm Protocol
Installation and User's Guide

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The following example shows the path records created by the configuration file:

create path SLC_PATH_4/vaxport="LTA994:"- 
create path DH1_PATH_5/vaxport="LTA995:"- 
create path DH1_PATH_7/vaxport="LTA997:"- 

The /vaxport field refers to the port (either LAT or TT) that is connected to the data highway line. If a direct connection to the device is made, then the path can be set as POINT_TO_POINT . If the connection is to a data highway network with more than one device configured, then the path must be set as MULTIDROP . The /netname field identifies the NI that is being used to communicate with the device.

Table 2-3 lists the path parameters and indicates the value(s) that are allowed for each.

Table 2-3 Data Highway Path Parameters
Parameter Value(s)
Netname DH1
Timeout 2 2-10
Retries 3  
IO Size 3  

1This parameter should be set to the OpenVMS device name used to connect to the data highway network or device.
2The timeout defaults to 3 seconds if no timeout is specified.
3The parameter is ignored by this DAS.

Table 2-4 lists the line parameters and indicates the value(s) that are allowed for each. If only one value is allowed, then the DAS will generate an error if the user sets the parameter to anything other than the allowed value. Verify that the VAXport and the line parameters match your plant-floor configuration.

Table 2-4 Line Parameters
Parameter Value(s)
Stop Bits 1
Data Bits 8
Parity even, none
Speed 300-19200
Full Duplex full
Echo noecho
Host Synch hostsync, nohostsync
TT Synch ttsync, nottsync
Typeahead typeahead
Hangup hangup
Modem modem, nomodem
Dialup dialup, nodialup
Disconnect disconnect, nodisconnect Editing Device Records

The following example shows the device records created by the configuration file:

create dev AB_1771_KE/path=DH1_PATH_5 /type=AB_PLC_2_IM /netaddr="22"/log 
create dev AB_215/path=DH1_PATH_5/type=AB_PLC_2_15/timeout=120- 
create dev AB_1770_KF2/path=DH1_PATH_7/type=AB_PLC_5_IM/netaddr="3"/log 
create dev AB_5_250/path=DH1_PATH_7/type=AB_PLC_5_250/timeout=120- 
create dev AB_1771_KF2/path=DH1_PATH_5/type=AB_PLC_5_IM/netaddr="3"/log 
create dev AB_5_10/path=DH1_PATH_5/type=AB_PLC_5_10/timeout=120- 
create dev SLC_5_04/path=DH1_PATH_5/type=AB_SLC_5_04/timeout=120- 

PLC-2, PLC-3 and PLC-5 models use octal addressing for the network address. SLC models use decimal addressing for the network address. The DAS assumes an octal address by default. To use a decimal address append a "D" to the network address (e.g. "12D")

The timeout on the device definition controls the time that BASEstar Classic device connection management allows for a device operation to complete. The value for the device timeout should be larger than the expected time of the longest device operation and also larger than the timeout on the path definition. To control the timeout for individual I/O operations to the device, use the timeout on the path definition.

For more information about maintaining type, path, and device definitions, refer to the BASEstar Classic Command Line Interface User's Guide.

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