BASEstartm Classic DAS
for Allen-Bradley
Installation and User's Guide

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Appendix D
Logged Messages

The messages in the following sections are logged to the BASEstar Classic history file by the DAS for AB INTERCHANGE software. These messages are logged to provide more detailed diagnostic information than what is supplied by the returned status values.

Messages logged to the history file for DAS for AB INTERCHANGE software use event class 21 and event type 2.

To view all messages logged by this DAS use the following syntax:


D.1 NI Logged Messages

The following messages are logged by the Network Interface (NI).

Connection made with server DCM_DTL$SRV_!UL.
Explanation: Success. A connection has been made by the DAS to the indicated DTL server process. At this point, a connection to the actual PLC has not yet been established.
User Action: None.

Disconnect from server DCM_DTL$SRV_!UL.
Explanation: Error. The indicated server process has disconnected from the DAS. The disconnect usually is caused by an abnormal termination of the server process, but could also be because of a BASEstar shutdown or because someone intentionally shut down the server process.
User Action: Examine the log file of the server process and the history file to determine the cause of the server shutdown and then take corrective action based on the error found.

License not found for DAS for INTERCHANGE software.
Explanation: Error. A valid license hasn't been loaded for the DAS.
User Action: Obtain a valid license and load it onto the system where the DAS is running.

Starting DTL server process DCM_DTL$SRV_!UL.
Explanation: Informational. The DAS is attempting to start the DTL server process.
User Action: None.

DCM_DTL$SRV_!UL did not start in time, aborting associated connections.
Explanation: Error. The indicated server process did not start within the allotted time (59 seconds), or if the server started, it did not successfully establish a connection with the DAS.
User Action: Examine the DTL server log file and the history file to determine if any errors were logged by the server process. Take action based on the errors found.

D.2 PE Logged Messages

The following messages are logged by the Protocol Emulator (PE).

Device address string too long: !/ "!AD"
Explanation: Error. A point address is too long to fit into the space allocated for it in the DAS. The DAS allows 18 characters for the point address.
User Action: Use a shorter address for the point.

Invalid qualifier: !AD
Explanation: Error. An invalid qualifier has been specified in an upload or download request. The qualifier in error is logged.
User Action: Consult the DAS guide to determine valid qualifiers for the command being requested.

Device MODEL definition is !AD family; Actual PLC TYPES is !AD.
Explanation: Error. When reading the status from a PLC, the DAS determined that the model for the actual PLC does not match the model of the PLC definition.
User Action: Modify the device definition to match the actual model of the PLC.

Error in the device network address !AD and or model !AD.
Explanation: Error. The DAS detected an error in the model or network address for the device.
User Action: If the model is invalid, use one of the predefined DTL types when creating the device. If the network address is invalid, see the DAS guide for information on the proper syntax for a network address for this DAS.

Model !AD not supported.
Explanation: Error. The model in the device definition is not supported by the DAS.
User Action: Use one of the predefined DTL types from the DCM_DTL_CONFIG.TEMPLATE file when creating the device.

Error converting read data for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when doing data conversion for the address indicated. The conversion error is probably due to incompatible data types between the request and the data in the PLC.
User Action: Use a different data type when requesting the data.

Error converting write data for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when doing data conversion for the address indicated. The conversion error is probably due to incompatible data types between the request and the data in the PLC.
User Action: Use a different data type when writing the data.

D.3 DTL Server Logged Messages

The following messages are logged by the DTL server process. All messages first log the server that generated the error before the actual error message is logged. INTERCHANGE software can return four types of error codes as follows:

DTL DAS server process shut down abnormally.
Explanation: Error. The server process is shutting down due to an unrecoverable error. The history file should also have logged the error that caused the shutdown.
User Action: Examine the history file for the error that caused the termination and take action based on the error found.

DTL DAS disconnected circuit from server process.
Explanation: Error. The DAS has disconnected from the server process. The cause is probably because of an abnormal shutdown of the ILAN$DEVSRV process.
User Action: Examine the history file for any errors logged that might account for the abnormal shutdown. Also examine the ILAN$DEVSRV log, error and ACCVIO files for causes for the shutdown. Restart ILAN$DEVSRV.

Error calling DTL_DIAG_STATUS.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when requesting status information from the PLC.
User Action: Examine the error message returned and take action based on the error found.

DTL_C_DEFINE error.!/!AD
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when defining a point for reading or writing. A point must be defined before it can be read or written. The message logs the address part of the string passed to the DTL_C_DEFINE routine.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

Error calling DTL_DOWNLOAD.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when downloading a file to the PLC.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

Error calling DTL_CONNECT for EI !AD.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to connect to the indicated Ethernet Interface. A connection must be established with the Ethernet Interface before any subsequent requests can be processed.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

Error calling DTL_DISCONNECT.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to disconnect from the indicated Ethernet Interface.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

Disconnected from EI !AD.
Explanation: Informational. The DTL server process successfully disconnected from the indicated Ethernet Interface.
User Action: None.

DTL_READ error. Address: !AD.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to read data from a PLC. The data table address from which the read was attempted is also logged.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

DTL_UNDEF error. Address: !AD.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to undefine an address. The address that was being undefined is logged in the message. Solicited points are undefined when the number of solicited points (controlled by ILAN$DTL_MAX_ELEMENTS) is exceeded.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

DTL_WRITE error. Address: !AD.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to write data to a PLC. The data table address to which the write was attempted is also logged.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

Established connection to EI !AD.
Explanation: Informational. The DTL server process successfully connected to the indicated Ethernet Interface. A connection must be established to the Ethernet Interface before any subsequent operations can take place.
User Action: None.

Lost connection to EI !AD.
Explanation: Error. The connection to the indicated Ethernet Interface has been broken. The most likely causes are that the PLC has been powered down or there has been a break in the network connection to the PLC.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

Unsolicited exception. Unsol ID: !OW.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when receiving unsolicited data. The most likely cause of this error is that two hosts have defined points with the same unsolicited ID on the same PLC.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

DTL DAS server process running.
Explanation: Informational. The server process was started successfully and is now running.
User Action: None.

Max queued for this run: !UL.
Explanation: Informational. This message is logged when the server process is shut down. It logs the maximum number of requests that were queued (i.e. requested but not yet processed) since the DTL server process was first started. If this number is large, then more requests are being received than can be processed by the PLC.
User Action: None.

DTL server process shut down.
Explanation: Informational. The DTL server process has successfully finished shutting down.
User Action: None.

NOS error X!XL.
Explanation: Error. A Data Highway Plus error occurred that was not translated by the INTERCHANGE software into a DTL error code.
User Action: See Appendix B of the INTERCHANGE Software Reference Manual for a description of the error code and take action based on the error.

Unsolicited write. No unsolicited definition found for ID: !OW.
Explanation: Error. Unsolicited data was received, but the DTL server process has no record of requesting unsolicited data for the indicated unsolicited ID. This error is most likely to occur when a device is disabled and the unsolicited point has been cancelled, but the Ethernet Interface is still sending unsolicited data to the host.
User Action: If the problem persists, the PLC may need to be reset to cancel the sending of the unsolicited data. If the problem does not persist, then no action needs to be taken.

DTL server process shutting down.
Explanation: Informational. The DTL server process has received a request to shut down and is starting the shutdown process.
User Action: None.

DTL_UNSOL_DEF error defining ID: !OW on EI: !AD.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to define an unsolicited point. Unsolicited points must be defined before unsolicited data will be sent by the Ethernet Interface.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

DTL_UNDEF error. Unsol ID: !OW.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to undefine an unsolicited point. Unsolicited points are undefined when a device is disabled or a point is deleted.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

Error calling DTL_UPLOAD.
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when uploading a file from the PLC.
User Action: Examine the error returned by INTERCHANGE software and take action based on the error.

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