Server Installation and Configuration Guide

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3.6 Troubleshooting Configuration Procedure Problems

The following section describes how to ensure sufficient resources will be available to support clients.

3.6.1 Ensuring Sufficient Resources to Support Clients

PATHWORKS Advanced Server requests the resources that it needs using the OpenVMS AUTOGEN utility. If AUTOGEN underestimates the resources required for use by processes other than PATHWORKS Advanced Server, and these resources have already been consumed when PATHWORKS Advanced Server is started, there may be insufficient resources left for PATHWORKS Advanced Server to support the desired number of clients.

To ensure sufficient resource allocation to support clients, make sure that all software that will run concurrently with PATHWORKS Advanced Server is installed and started before you run the PATHWORKS Advanced Server configuration procedure, especially if you run TCP/IP.

After you successfully configure the PATHWORKS Advanced Server, it may not start, reporting that there are insufficient resources to support any clients. In this case, examine the following file to determine the system resource that needs to be increased:


To increase the resource allocation, make the appropriate modifications to the MODPARAMS.DAT file and then run AUTOGEN. Refer to Chapter 1, Before You Install PATHWORKS Advanced Server, for more information about the requirements for system parameter settings.

3.7 Selecting the PATHWORKS Advanced Server Network Device

The configuration procedure selects the network device depending on the transport you specify when you run the procedure. If the server has more than one network device, and you do not want to use the device selected, or if the server has a network device that is not recognized by the PATHWORKS Advanced Server, you can manually select the network device to use with the transport you specified.

Table 3-3, OpenVMS Network Device Logicals, lists OpenVMS logical names that you can use to control the network device over which the PATHWORKS Advanced Server operates. You must add these logicals to SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM to have them available after rebooting.

Table 3-3 OpenVMS Network Device Logicals
Logical Name Transport

For example:


If TCP/IP is running on multiple network devices, and you select one of those devices for use by the PATHWORKS Advanced Server, make sure the device you select corresponds to the first device listed in the TCP/IP local hosts database.

3.8 Defining Communications Devices

This section describes how to add new communications devices that are not automatically recognized by the PATHWORKS Advanced Server, as well as restrictions and limitations on communications devices.

The PWRK$KNBDAEMON, NETBIOS, and PWRK$NBDAEMON processes require the communications device to be defined in an internal device table. New communications devices can be released before updated PATHWORKS Advanced Server images are available to customers. Therefore, this section describes how to define the communications device you want the PATHWORKS Advanced Server to use.

If the communications device is not recognized by PATHWORKS Advanced Server, each failing process writes an error message to its log file. Table 3-4, Undefined Device Messages shows each process, the log file that records the error message from the process, and examples of the text of the error message. In the following examples, the server node name is MYNODE.

Table 3-4 Undefined Device Messages
Process Log File Name
Tue Mar 24 13:13:50 1998 get_phys_addr: Failed to get Ethernet

device characteristics
Tue Mar 24 13:13:50 1998 Failed to open datalink

%NB-W-ERRSIGNAL, exceptional conditional detected at 24-Mar-1998 

-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHDEV, no such device available

The device tables include all known communications devices. However, if you are running the latest release and you find any of the messages listed in Table 3-4, you can explicitly specify the communications device for all three processes, using the following procedure:

  1. Define the physical communications device type for the PWRK$KNBDAEMON, NETBIOS, and PWRK$NBDAEMON processes. For example, if EWA0 was an unknown physical communications device type, you would enter the following commands:


  2. Restart the server:


3.9 Next Steps

You can start the PATHWORKS Advanced Server automatically as part of the configuration procedure.

Chapter 4
Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server

The license server is a software program that you can run on an OpenVMS system to grant licenses to clients.

This chapter describes how to configure and start the standalone license server, and consists of the following sections:

4.1 About the License Server

You can install the license server:

Compaq recommends that you install the license server on a designated OpenVMS system without the PATHWORKS Advanced Server, to ensure smooth and continuous operation of the license server. Therefore, the PATHWORKS Advanced Server kit allows you to install the standalone license server separately from the file server. Alternatively, you can run the license server on an OpenVMS cluster with the PATHWORKS Advanced Server, where cluster failover provides reliability.


The license server is required for client-based licensing. For server-based licensing, you do not have to run the license server.

Each LAN needs only one license server to support client-based licenses. The same license server can manage licenses for client access to any of the following types of file servers:


The license server included with PATHWORKS Advanced Server will not issue or manage PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) licenses. If you have clients using NetWare networking software, maintain the existing version of the license server on a different system from the one that is running PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

In an OpenVMS cluster, the PAKs must be loaded into a shared license database. For detailed information on managing licenses, see the Advanced Server for OpenVMS Guide to Managing Advanced Server Licenses.

4.2 Before You Begin to Configure the Standalone License Server

You install the standalone license server from the same software kit that you use to install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server. The procedures are described in Chapter 2, Installing the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

4.3 Configuring the Standalone License Server

You must configure the standalone license server to provide licenses to clients in the LAN. Therefore, you select the appropriate transports used by the clients. You can configure the license server to use the following transports:

4.4 Configuring the Transports

The following section describes how to use the configuration command procedure to configure the transports for the standalone license server.

After the installation procedure completes, the OpenVMS system prompt ($) is displayed. If the system was rebooted following installation:

  1. Ensure that you are logged in to the SYSTEM account.
  2. Start the configuration procedure by entering:


  3. Respond to the configuration prompts.

4.5 How to Respond to Configuration Prompts

Table 4-1, Standalone License Server Configuration Prompts, tells you how to respond to the prompts displayed by PWRK$CONFIG when you configure the standalone license server.


Table 4-1 shows only the prompts that PWRK$CONFIG displays; it does not show any informational messages. For a complete sample configuration script, see Appendix C, Sample Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration Procedure.

Table 4-1 Standalone License Server Configuration Prompts
At this prompt... If you want the configuration procedure to... Enter...
Enter disk device name where the Advanced Server data files will be stored [ default_device]: Copy the server on-disk structure to the default OpenVMS disk device displayed

(If you ran PWRK$CONFIG previously, the default disk device is the one you specified the last time you configured the server.)

  Copy the PATHWORKS Advanced Server on-disk structure to an OpenVMS disk device different from the default displayed device_name
Do you want to serve PATHWORKS licenses over DECnet [YES]: 1 Allow licenses to be served over DECnet [Return]
  Not allow licenses to be served over DECnet NO
Do you want to serve PATHWORKS licenses over NetBEUI [NO]: 1 Allow licenses to be served over NetBEUI YES
  Not allow licenses to be served over NetBEUI [Return]
Do you want to serve PATHWORKS licenses over TCP/IP [NO]: 1 Allow licenses to be served over TCP/IP YES
  Not allow licenses to be served over TCP/IP [Return]
Do you want to start the PATHWORKS license server now [YES]: Start the server automatically after the configuration procedure completes [Return]
  Complete the configuration procedure without starting the server NO

1Default answers may differ if you ran the PWRK$CONFIG procedure previously.

4.6 How to Start the Standalone License Server

You can start the license server in any of the following ways:

4.6.1 How to Start the License Server Manually

If you did not start the license server during the configuration procedure, you can start it manually using the following command:

The license server will use DECnet, NetBEUI, TCP/IP. 
Process NETBIOS created with identification 0000011E 
Process PWRK$NBDAEMON created with identification 00000120 
Process PWRK$KNBDAEMON created with identification 00000122 
Process PWRK$LICENSE_S created with identification 00000124 

4.6.2 How to Start the License Server Automatically

To make sure that the license server starts automatically each time you boot your OpenVMS system:

  1. Edit the system startup file (SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM).
  2. Add the startup command, as shown in the following example. Add the command to the file below all lines that start network transports. The following example shows how to edit the file.


4.6.3 How to Start the License Server in an OpenVMS Cluster

If you installed and configured the license server on multiple members of the same OpenVMS cluster, Compaq suggests that you use the SYSMAN utility to start the server manually and simultaneously on all cluster members. To do so:

  1. Make sure that you are logged in to the SYSTEM account on one of the server nodes in the OpenVMS cluster.
  2. Start the SYSMAN utility by entering:


  3. Define all the cluster members on which you want to start the standalone license server. For example, if you want to start the license server on nodes HYDRAA, HYDRAB, and HYDRAC:


  4. Start the license server on the nodes you defined. At the SYSMAN> prompt, enter the following command:


Chapter 5
After You Install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server

This chapter describes tasks you can perform after you install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server software.

This chapter consists of the following sections:

5.1 Before You Begin Post-installation Tasks

Make sure you have completed all the required steps in Table 5-1, Have You Done..., before proceeding.

Table 5-1 Have You Done ...
If you are... Make sure that you have...
Installing the PATHWORKS Advanced Server
  1. Completed the installation procedure described in Chapter 2, Installing the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.
  2. Completed the configuration procedure described in Chapter 3, Configuring the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.
Upgrading a PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) server to PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) server
  1. Completed the installation procedures described in Chapter 2, Installing the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.
  2. Completed the upgrade procedure described in the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Migration Guide.
  3. Completed the configuration procedure described in Chapter 3, Configuring the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.
Installing the Standalone License Server
  1. Completed the installation procedures described in Chapter 2, Installing the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.
  2. Completed the configuration and startup procedures described in Chapter 4, Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server.
Installing external authentication software only

Completed the installation procedure described in Chapter 2, Installing the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

5.2 Verifying the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Installation

If you did not run the IVP as part of the installation procedure, as described in Chapter 2, Installing the PATHWORKS Advanced Server, you can run it now to make sure that the server installed successfully.

To run the IVP for PATHWORKS Advanced Server, enter:

If the installation... Then the IVP displays... And you should...
Succeeded The message %PWRK-I-NORMAL, IVP completed successfully
    Start the server, as described in Section 5.3.4, Starting the File Server.
Failed An error message, followed by -PWRK-E-IVPFAIL, IVP has failed
    Reinstall the software, as described in Chapter 2, Installing the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

5.3 Starting the PATHWORKS Advanced Server

The following sections describe when and how to start the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

5.3.1 When to Start the PATHWORKS Advanced Server

You must configure the server before you can start it for the first time. After running the configuration procedure, you can start and stop the server at any time.

5.3.2 What the Startup Procedure Does

The startup procedure:

  1. Checks for the required privileges.
  2. Verifies that required configuration files are available.
  3. Verifies that the server has been configured, and ends if it has not.
  4. Loads transport drivers.
  5. Installs images.
  6. Starts transport support processes.
  7. Starts each of the components:

5.3.3 Troubleshooting the Startup

PATHWORKS Advanced Server processes are detached processes. During startup, all detached processes must execute the site-specific system login procedure (by default, SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM).

If the PATHWORKS Advanced Server startup does not complete successfully, check the SYLOGIN.COM procedure. Make sure that only commands that should be executed by detached processes are executed during the PATHWORKS Advanced Server startup.

In SYSLOGIN.COM, you can use the DCL lexical function F$MODE or F$GETJPI to conditionalize DCL commands, such as $SET TERM/INQUIRE, that should be executed only by nondetached processes, so that they are not executed during the PATHWORKS Advanced Server startup. See the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for more information.

5.3.4 Starting the File Server

You can start the file server:

5.3.5 How to Start the PATHWORKS Advanced Server Manually

If you did not start the PATHWORKS Advanced Server during the configuration procedure, you can start it now by entering:


The PATHWORKS Advanced Server starts, and messages similar to the following are displayed:

PATHWORKS file server will use DECnet, TCP/IP. 
PATHWORKS mail notification will use DECnet. 
Process NETBIOS created with identification 0000009A 
Process PWRK$LICENSE_R created with identification 0000009D 
The PATHWORKS V6.0B server is configured to support 20 PC clients. 
Process PWRK$MASTER created with identification 000000A2 
The master process will now start all other PATHWORKS processes. 

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