DECdfs for OpenVMS Installation Guide

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Appendix A
Files Affected by DECdfs Installation

This appendix lists the files produced or changed after installing DECdfs on an OpenVMS system.
SYS$SYSTEM Files Function
DECDFSDEF.STB Symbol table file
DFS$CONTROL.EXE DECdfs control program
DFS$COM_ACP.EXE Ancillary control process for the DECdfs communication driver
DFS$SERVER_ACP.EXE DECdfs server ancillary control process
DFS$COM_LOGGER.EXE DECdfs maintenance file for logging communication transactions
SYS$HELP Files Function
DECDFS023.RELEASE_NOTES DECdfs release notes
DFS$HELP.HLB Help library for DECdfs control program
HELPLIB.HLB DCL DECdfs help text is modified by DECdfs installation
SYS$HELP:DFS.MSGHLP$DATA DECdfs Help Message database (on OpenVMS Version 6.2 and later)
SYS$LIBRARY Files Function
DFS$MOUNT_SHR.EXE DECdfs mount library
DFS$MNGT_SHR.EXE DECdfs management system services
DFSCDRIVER.EXE DECdfs client device driver
DFSRRDRIVER.EXE DECdfs communication driver
DFSSDRIVER.EXE DECdfs server driver
SYS$STARTUP Files Function
DFS$STARTUP.COM DECdfs startup command file
SYS$MANAGER Files Function
DFS$CONFIG.COM DECdfs command file to set configuration parameters
DFS$CONFIG.TEMPLATE DECdfs command file template with default configuration parameters
DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM DECdfs setup command file to mount and add access points
DFS$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE DECdfs setup command file template with default settings
SYS$MESSAGE File Function
DFS$MESSAGE.EXE DECdfs error message file
SYS$TEST File Function
DFS$IVP.COM Installation Verification Procedure command file

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