Document revision date: 5 July 2000
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Compaq DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
Reference Guide

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4.3 EXPORT Utility Messages

EXP_ACCEXISTS, OpenVMS account for <PRINCIPAL> already exists

Explanation: Could not export <PRINCIPAL> because it has already been exported.
User Action: None.

EXP_ADDDCEACC, account for <PRINCIPAL> successfully added to OpenVMS

Explanation: An OpenVMS account was successfully created for <PRINCIPAL>.
User Action: Note directly preceding and following messages for warnings.

EXP_ADDDCEUAF, principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully added to DCE$UAF

Explanation: Principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully added to the DCE$UAF file as part of the EXPORT operation. Message displayed only if /INFORM is specified on the EXPORT command line.
User Action: None.

EXP_ADDUAF, principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully exported to OpenVMS

Explanation: An OpenVMS account was successfully created for DCE <PRINCIPAL>.
User Action: Note directly preceding and following messages for warnings.

EXP_BINDERR, error binding to DCE security registry

Explanation: Cannot connect to the DCE security server.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_CREDCEUAF, created new DCE$UAF file

Explanation: A new DCE$UAF file was created.
User Action: None.


Explanation: This is the accompanying DCE error message.
User Action: Use this message to solve the problem generating the error.

EXP_DCELOGIN, error in DCE login

Explanation: Could not perform a DCE login.
User Action: Enter valid DCE principal and password combination.

EXP_DCEUAFERR, error searching DCE$UAF

Explanation: Error searching or reading DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_DELDCEUAF, principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully deleted from DCE$UAF

Explanation: Principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully deleted from DCE$UAF as part of larger delete operation. Message is displayed only if /INFORM is specified on the EXPORT command line.
User Action: None.


Explanation: OpenVMS account for <USERNAME> was successfully created but could not enable the account.
User Action: Manually remove the DISUSER flag using the AUTHORIZE utility.

EXP_ERRACCEXC, error accessing DCE EXPORT exclude file

Explanation: Could not access DCE EXPORT exclude file.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_ERRADDEXC, error adding principal to DCE EXPORT exclude file

Explanation: Could not add principal to DCE EXPORT exclude file.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_ERRADDUAF, error adding principal to DCE$UAF file

Explanation: Could not add principal name to DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_ERRCRACC, error creating OpenVMS account for <USERNAME>

Explanation: Could not create an OpenVMS account for <USERNAME> .
User Action: See accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_ERRCRDCEUAF, error creating DCE authorization file

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to create the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_ERRCREUAF, error creating OpenVMS account for <USERNAME>--- see following messages

Explanation: Could not create the OpenVMS account for <USERNAME>.
User Action: Note accompanying error messages for more details.

EXP_ERRDCEUAF, error accessing DCE authorization file

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to access the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_ERRDELEXC, error deleting principal from DCE EXPORT exclude file

Explanation: Could not delete principal from DCE EXPORT exclude file.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_ERRDELUAF, error deleting principal from DCE$UAF file

Explanation: Could not delete principal from DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_ERRENAUSR, error enabling user <USERNAME>

Explanation: Could not remove DISUSER flag from <USERNAME>'s account.
User Action: Manually remove the flag using the AUTHORIZE utility.

EXP_ERRQUOTA, error assigning disk quota to username <USERNAME> --- see following messages

Explanation: Error(s) occurred while attempting to set up disk quota for <USERNAME>.
User Action: Note the messages following this message.

EXP_ERRSETPW, error setting password for <USERNAME>

Explanation: Could not set password for OpenVMS <USERNAME>.
User Action: Manually set password using the AUTHORIZE utility.

EXP_ERRSPAWN, error spawning subprocess

Explanation: Error spawning subprocess with the SPAWN command.
User Action: Check user run-time configuration. Refer to appropriate OpenVMS documentation for more details.

EXP_ERRSYSUAF, error accessing SYSUAF file

Explanation: Could not access the SYSUAF file.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_ERRUAFGET, error getting SYSUAF information

Explanation: Error accessing information in the SYSUAF file.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more information.

EXP_EXCADD, principal <PRINCIPAL> added to DCE EXPORT exclude list

Explanation: Principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully added to the DCE EXPORT exclude list.
User Action: None.

EXP_EXCDEL, principal <PRINCIPAL> removed from DCE EXPORT exclude list

Explanation: Principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully deleted from the DCE EXPORT exclude list.
User Action: None.

EXP_EXCLUDED, principal <PRINCIPAL> has been excluded from OpenVMS

Explanation: Unable to export <PRINCIPAL> because it is on the DCE EXPORT exclude list. This message is displayed only if /INFORM is specified on the EXPORT command line.
User Action: If incorrectly excluded, use DELETE/EXCLUDE to remove it from the DCE EXPORT exclude list and reexport.

EXP_GRPUICFULL, no member UIC available in specified group

Explanation: No more members available in the specified group.
User Action: Use another group UIC if possible.

EXP_INDCEUAF, principal <PRINCIPAL> already in DCE$UAF

Explanation: Could not add already existing principal name to DCE$UAF.
User Action: None.

EXP_INEXCLUDE, principal <PRINCIPAL> already in DCE EXPORT exclude file

Explanation: An attempt was made to add an already existing principal name to the DCE EXPORT exclude file.
User Action: None.

EXP_INITERROR, initialization error

Explanation: Error during initialization phase for DCE EXPORT.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_INITWAIT, initializing.....

Explanation: DCE EXPORT in initialization phase.
User Action: None.

EXP_INPREQ, input required!

Explanation: Input not entered where mandatory.
User Action: Provide input.

EXP_INTERROR, internal error

Explanation: Internal error in DCE EXPORT.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details or submit a Problem Tracking and Reporting (PTR).

EXP_INTINPDEV, internal error opening input device

Explanation: Error accessing SYS$INPUT.
User Action: Check user run-time configuration. Refer to appropriate OpenVMS documentation for more information.

EXP_INVGRPUIC, invalid group UIC

Explanation: Group UIC entered is invalid (format if value, name if identifier).
User Action: Enter valid group UIC.

EXP_INVMEMUIC, invalid member UIC

Explanation: Member UIC entered is out of range or of invalid format.
User Action: Enter valid member UIC.

EXP_INVMS, principal <PRINCIPAL> already exported to OpenVMS

Explanation: A record for <PRINCIPAL> already exists in the DCE$UAF file indicating that is has already been exported.
User Action: None.

EXP_INVPASSWD, password validation failed. Please retry

Explanation: Password validation failed while entering password for the OpenVMS account to be created.
User Action: Enter valid password.

EXP_INVPWDLEN, password length must be between <MINIMUM> and <MAXIMUM> characters

Explanation: The user-specified password for the OpenVMS account is outside of the defined range.
User Action: Respecify password of valid length.

EXP_NAMEINUSE, OpenVMS username <USERNAME> already mapped to another DCE principal

Explanation: OpenVMS username specified is already associated with another DCE principal in the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Specify a username that is not associated with a DCE principal. Use the DCE$UAF utility to search the DCE$UAF file for usernames and associated DCE principal names.

EXP_NODCEUAF, unable to open DCE authorization file

Explanation: Error occurred while attempting to open the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_NOEXCUSR, no excluded users

Explanation: No principal names listed in the DCE EXPORT exclude file.
User Action: None.

EXP_NOSCHUSR, no principal <PRINCIPAL> in DCE registry

Explanation: Principal <PRINCIPAL> requested for export does not exist in the DCE registry.
User Action: Use valid DCE principal name. Use the DCE tool RGY_EDIT to view DCE principal names.

EXP_NOSUCHEXC, no such principal in DCE EXPORT exclude file

Explanation: Requested principal does not exist in DCE EXPORT exclude file.
User Action: Use the SHOW/EXCLUDE command to list names in the exclude file.


Explanation: An attempt was made to export a nonexistent DCE principal.
User Action: Specify a valid DCE principal name. Use the DCE tool RGY_EDIT to view the DCE principals.

EXP_NOTINEXC, principal <PRINCIPAL> not in DCE EXPORT exclude file

Explanation: An attempt was made to access a nonexistent record in the DCE EXPORT file.
User Action: Use SHOW/EXCLUDE to see the contents of the exclude file.


Explanation: A nonexistent OpenVMS username was specified with the /LIKE qualifier.
User Action: Specify a valid OpenVMS username.

EXP_NXTMEMUIC, error finding next available member UIC

Explanation: Could not find the next available member UIC in the group specified.
User Action: Note the accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_OUTOPNERR, error opening alternate output

Explanation: Could not access file name specified with /OUTPUT qualifier.
User Action: Note accompanying error message for more details.

EXP_SEEFILE, see file <FILE NAME> for error messages

Explanation: Error(s) occurred while creating the OpenVMS account but EXPORT was unable to display the error messages. The user is asked to read the file <FILE NAME> for the error messages.
User Action: Read the file <FILE NAME> for error messages.

EXP_TIMERR, DCE time configuration error

Explanation: Time configuration incorrect on the DCE system.
User Action: Refer to the troubleshooting chapter in the Compaq DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Product Guide.

EXP_TOOLONG, input for <QUALIFIER> too long

Explanation: Value of <QUALIFIER> is longer than expected maximum size of value.
User Action: Enter a value that is within the valid size range.

EXP_USERERR, error getting input from user

Explanation: User entered invalid input.
User Action: Enter valid input.

4.4 DCE$UAF Utility Messages

UAF_ADDED, created entry <USERNAME>, principal is "<PRINCIPAL>"

Explanation: The ADD command completed successfully.
User Action: None.

UAF_ANOTADDED, error creating entry <USERNAME>

Explanation: The ADD command could not be performed. The accompanying error messages explain the reason.
User Action: Make sure the command is correct, or take action based on an accompanying message of the following form:

BASE 3800 

UAF_CONNREG, connecting to registry "<REGISTRY>"

Explanation: UAF_CONNREG, connecting to registry "<REGISTRY>" Indicates that the DCEUAF utility is establishing a connection to the specified DCE registry. (A connection to the DCE registry is made only for a VERIFY command.)
User Action: None.

UAF_CREDCEUAF, created new DCE$UAF file

Explanation: A new DCE$UAF file has been successfully created.
User Action: None.

UAF_DCECHKBEG, starting scan of DCE$UAF file

Explanation: The ANALYZE command is starting the scan of the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: None.

UAF_DCECHKEND, completed scan of DCE$UAF file

Explanation: The ANALYZE command has completed the scan of the DCE$UAF file.
User Action: None.


Explanation: Secondary message that is displayed after another message and that provides more information about the problem.
User Action: Refer to the User Action for the main message.

UAF_DCENAMEREQ, DCE name required for this function

Explanation: While modifying an existing DCE$UAF record, the "NO_DCE" attribute was cleared, but a DCE principal name was not specified.
User Action: Enforce the "NO_DCE" attribute, or specify a DCE principal name.

UAF_DELETED, deleted entry <USERNAME>

Explanation: The DELETE command completed successfully.
User Action: None.

UAF_ERRATTACH, error attaching to process

Explanation: The user issued an ATTACH command with no parameters or qualifiers, which means attach to parent. The current process is not a subprocess so there is no parent to which to attach.
User Action: Use the SPAWN command to access the DCL prompt without exiting DCE$UAF.

UAF_ERRCLSOUT, error closing /OUTPUT file

Explanation: The RMS file system returned an error when attempting to close the output file specified by the /OUTPUT qualifier.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.

UAF_ERRCREUAFL, error creating DCE authorization file

Explanation: The attempt to create a new DCE$UAF file failed.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.

UAF_ERRDCEUAF, error accessing DCE authorization file

Explanation: The DCE$UAF file could not be accessed.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.

UAF_ERRDEFKEY, error defining key

Explanation: User issued a DEFINE/KEY command which could not be performed.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message.

UAF_ERRDKEY, error deleting key <KEY> definition

Explanation: User issued a DELETE/KEY command which could not be performed.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message.

UAF_ERROPNCMF, error opening command file <FILENAME>

Explanation: The command file specified could not be opened.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message.

UAF_ERROPNOUT, error opening /OUTPUT file

Explanation: The RMS file system returned an error when attempting to open the output file specified by the /OUTPUT qualifier.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.

UAF_ERRSPAWN, error spawning subprocess

Explanation: Unable to create the spawned subprocess.
User Action: Check the qualifier values to make sure they are valid. Check whether the process quotas have been exceeded.

UAF_ERRSYSUAF, error accessing SYSTEM authorization file

Explanation: The SYSTEM authorization file could not be read.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.

UAF_ERRWRTOUT, error writing to /OUTPUT file

Explanation: The RMS file system returned an error when attempting to write to the output file specified by the /OUTPUT qualifier.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying RMS message.

UAF_FILEXISTS, file already exists

Explanation: An attempt was made to create DCE$UAF.DAT, but the file already exists.
User Action: If a new file is desired, delete the old file before attempting to create a new one.

UAF_ILLCELLNAME, cell name lexically invalid

Explanation: A DCE cell name was specified that contained illegal characters or exceeded a length of 1024 characters.
User Action: Specify a name containing any ASCII printable character that is within the length limit of 1024 characters.

UAF_ILLPRINCNAME, principal name lexically invalid

Explanation: A DCE principal name was specified that contained illegal characters or exceeded a length of 1024 characters.
User Action: Specify a name containing any ASCII printable character that is within the length limit of 1024 characters.

UAF_ILLVMSNAME, OpenVMS name lexically invalid

Explanation: An OpenVMS username was specified that contained illegal characters or exceeded a length of 32 characters.
User Action: Specify a name containing only alphanumeric characters, dollar-sign ('$') or underscore ('_') that is within the length limit of 32 characters.

UAF_INTERROR, internal error <NUMBER>, please submit a PTR

Explanation: An error in the software has been detected.
User Action: Submit a Problem Tracking and Reporting (PTR).

UAF_INVALIDCTX, invalid READ_ALL context

Explanation: The context ID exchanged between user applications and the DCE$UAF.DAT file-control library was ill-formed, or superseded by a newer instance of that ID. This message usually indicates a programming error.
User Action: Exit the application and run it again.

UAF_KEYDEFD, key has been successfully defined

Explanation: The DEFINE/KEY command completed successfully.
User Action: None.

UAF_KEYDEL, key <KEY> definition has been deleted

Explanation: The DELETE/KEY command completed successfully.
User Action: None.

UAF_KEYNOTF, key <KEY> definition not found

Explanation: An attempt was made to use the SHOW/KEY command to show the definition of a key that is not defined.
User Action: None.

UAF_MAXDEPEXC, maximum command file depth exceeded

Explanation: Command files can only be nested to a maximum depth of 8.
User Action: Change the structure of your command files so as not to exceed the maximum nested depth of 8.

UAF_MODED, modified entry <USERNAME>

Explanation: The MODIFY command completed successfully.
User Action: None.

UAF_NODCEUAF, unable to open DCE authorization file

Explanation: The DCE$UAF file does not exist. The user will be asked if a new DCE$UAF file should be created.
User Action: If a DCE$UAF file that you want to use exists in another directory, exit the DCE$UAF utility and SET DEFAULT to that directory or define the logical name DCE$UAF to point to the required DCE$UAF file and then restart the DCE$UAF utility.

UAF_NODELETE, unable to delete record

Explanation: A REMOVE command was issued, but the delete operation failed. The accompanying message explains the reason the operation failed.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message.

UAF_NOFREECTX, no free READ_ALL context

Explanation: The DCE$UAF_READ_ALL_INIT function was unable to find a free context to return to the application. This may be a result of an error in the user application with regard to freeing a context when no longer needed.
User Action: Exit the application and run it again.

UAF_NOKEYF, no key definition found

Explanation: A SHOW/KEY * command was issued but there are no keys currently defined.
User Action: None.

UAF_NOMODIFY, unable to modify record

Explanation: The specified MODIFY command could not be completed.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message.

UAF_NOPARENT, there is no parent to which to attach

Explanation: The user issued an ATTACH command with no parameters or qualifiers, which means attach to parent. The current process is not a subprocess so there is no parent to which to attach.
User Action: Use the SPAWN command to access the DCL prompt without exiting DCE$UAF.

UAF_NOSHOW, unable to display record

Explanation: The SHOW command could not be completed.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying error message.

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