
principal show

Shows registry information for the specified principals. The syntax is:

principal show principal_name_list [-all | -xattrs]


Returns only the ERAs (extended registry attributes) of the principal, with no other attributes.

Return the attributes followed by the ERAs.

The principal show operation returns an attribute list describing the specified principals. The principal_name_list argument is a list of names of principals to be operated on. If more than one principal is given, the attributes are concatenated with a blank line inserted between principals There is one attribute in addition to fullname, uid, uuid, alias and quota. It is called groups and its value is a list of the group names that the principal is a member of. The groups attribute and its value is a list of group names that the principal is a member of. Attributes are returned in the following order: fullname, uid, uuid, alias and quota, followed by groups.

If called with the -xattrs option, then ERAs are returned instead of the above attributes. If called with -all, both are returned.

Privileges Required
You must have r (read) permission to the specified principals.


dcecp> principal show /.:/joe
{fullname {Joe Long}}
{uid 30014}
{uuid 0000753e-f51f-2e0e-b000-0000c08adf56}
{alias no}
{quota unlimited}
{groups none gumby}