
organization remove

Removes a member from an organization. The syntax is:

organization remove organization_name_list -member member_name_list


Specifies a list of one or more names of principals to be removed from each organization in the argument.

The organization remove operation removes a member from an organization. The argument is a list of names of organizations from which to remove members. The value of the required -member option is a list of names of principals to remove from the organizations listed in the argument. When a member is removed from an organization, any accounts associated with that principal and group are deleted. Remember that accounts are associated with a principal, a group and an organization; therefore, any accounts whose principal name and organization name match those given to this command are removed, but accounts for which only one name matches are untouched. This operation returns an empty string on success.

Privileges Required
You must have r (read) and M (Member_list) permissions on the target organizations and r (read) permission on the member to be removed.


dcecp> organization remove managers -member J_Wanders

dcecp> organization add rigel -member W_White
dcecp> account modify W_White -organization rigel
dcecp> organization add rigel -member W_Ross
dcecp> account modify W_Ross -organization rigel
dcecp> account show W_Ross
{created /.../ 1994-06-30-12:39:48.000+00:00I-----}
{description {}}
{dupkey no}
{expdate none}
{forwardabletkt yes}
{goodsince 1994-06-30-12:39:48.000+00:00I-----}
{group users}
{home /}
{lastchange /.../ 1994-06-30-12:39:48.000+00:00I---}
{organization rigel}
{postdatedtkt no}
{proxiabletkt no}
{pwdvalid yes}
{renewabletkt yes}
{server yes}
{shell {}}
{stdtgtauth yes}

dcecp> organization remove gemini -member W_Ross