
hostdata modify

This operation is used to change attributes of a hostdata entry, including the hostdata itself.

hostdata modify hostdata_name_list {-change attribute_list | attribute value}
[-binary] [-local]


-attribute value
As an alternative to using options with an attribute list, you can change individual attribute options by prepending a hyphen(-) to any attributes listed in the Attributes topic of this reference page.

In the current version of DCE, only the data attribute can be modified.

-change attribute_list
Allows you to modify attributes by using an attribute list rather than using individual attribute options The format of an attribute list is as follows:

{{attribute value}{attribute value}}

In the current version of DCE, only the data attribute can be modified.

Specifies that the value of the data attribute is in binary form.

Specifies that the command should operate on the local dced hostdata object while the dced object is in a partial-service state.

The argument is a list of names of hostdata entries to be modified. If more than one is specified all modifications specified are done to each hostdata entry listed. In the current DCE version, only the data attribute can be modified and only by completely replacing it.This operation returns an empty string on success.

Privileges Required
You must have w (write) permission to the hostdata container on the host.


dcecp> hostdata mod file1 -data {{new first line}}

dcecp> hostdata show file1
{uuid cda3a184-eb85-11cd-91b1-080009251352}
{annotation {}}
{storage /tmp/file1}
{hostdata/data {new first line}}

dcecp> cat /tmp/file1
new first line