
The DCE and DFS Variables

The table titled dce_config Environment Variables lists the DCE variables you can set for dce_config processing. The table titled dfs_config Environment Variables lists the DFS variables you can set. In the tables, the term default refers to the setting assigned to the variable by OSF.

dce_config Environment Variables

Variable Value
CACHE_CDS_SERVER The name of the CDS server to cache. It is not required that the cached server be the initial CDS server. Used during CDS client configuration.
CACHE_CDS_SERVER_IP The IP address of the CDS server to cache.
CELL_ADMIN The principal name of the initial privileged user of the registry database (known as the registry creator). Used during security server configuration.
CELL_ADMIN_PW The default password assigned to the accounts created when the registry database is created, including the account for the registry creator. The default is -dce-.
CELL_NAME The name of the cell (without the .../) on which the configuration is being performed. Used during security server configuration.
CHANGE_PW Indicates whether dce_config displays the message Password must be changed on exiting when the cell administrator password (CELL_ADMIN_PW) is the same as the default password. The default is n. It is recommended that you do not change this value in order to help ensure that the cell administrator is not assigned a commonly known password. This variable is used in conjunction with the DEFAULT_PW variable.
CHECK_TIME Specifies whether or not to check client and server clock synchronization: y indicates the time will be checked; while n indicates it will not. The default is y.
DC_DISPLAY_THRESHOLD Specifies the messages to write to stdout. Possible values are ERROR, WARNING, SUMMARY, DETAIL, VERBOSE, and DEBUG. The default is SUMMARY.
DC_LOG_THRESHOLD Specifies the minimum priority log messages to write to the log file, /tmp/dce_config.log. Possible values are ERROR, WARNING, SUMMARY, DETAIL, VERBOSE, and DEBUG. The default is DEBUG.
DEFAULT_MAX_ID The highest value UNIIX ID for principals. The default value is 32767, which means that only principals with UNIX IDs lower than 32767 can access the cell. It is recommended that you accept the default. Used during security server configuration.
DEFAULT_PW Contains the default password used when the registry is created. This variable is used to determine if the cell administrator's password (CELL_ADMIN_PW) is the same as the default password. When the user exits dce_config, the value of DEFAULT_PW and CELL_ADMIN_PW are checked. If they are the same and if the CHANGE_PW variable is set Y, dce_config issues the warning message Password must be changed. The default for this variable is -dce-. If your site has a commonly used and known password, change the DEFAULT_PW variable to that password to help ensure that the cell administrator account is not assigned a commonly known password.
DIR_REPLICATE Controls the replication of CDS directories when an additional CDS server is being created at DCE configuration time. The value y will cause dce_config to prompt for more directories to replicate; n will not. The default is n.
DOMAIN_NAME The name of the host domain. Used as a default in the Security client configuration for Kerberos5 compatibility if /etc/resolv.conf does not contain a domain name. This variable is appended to the hostname to get the fully qualified name in the format: hostname.domain_name. For example, if DOMAIN_NAME is set to and the host name is abc, the fully qualified hostname will be
DO_CHECKS Controls the display of three prompts. The first is whether the prompt is returned when dce_config encounters a non-fatal error. Press <Return> to continue, <Ctrl-C> to exit. This prompt forces the user to acknowledge the error and offers a way to exit dce_config. The second and third prompts occur during master Security server configuration. They prompt for a UNIX ID number at which the Security server starts assigning automatically generated group UNIX IDs and principal UNIX IDs. If this prompt is turned off, the default is the default described in the DEFAULT_MAX_ID and GID_GAP variables. For the DO_CHECKS variable, y displays the prompt; n does not. The default is y.
EXIT_ON_ERROR An indication of whether dce_config will exit in the event of a fatal error: y indicates that dce_config exits when it encounters a fatal error; n indicates it will not. The default is n. Setting this variable to y or n can help prevent a here file from getting out of sync with dce_config.
GID_GAP The increment above highest currently used GID at which the Security service starts assigning automatically generated GIDs. The value of this variable is used with the LOW_GID variable to set the starting point for UIDs automatically assigned by the Security server. Default is 100. Used in Security server configuration.
HOST_NAME_IP The IP address of node on which dce_config is running.
KEYSEED A character string used to seed the random key generator in order to create the master key for the master and each slave database. Each database has its own master key and keyseed. Used in Security server configuration.
LAN_NAME For multiple LAN configurations, the internal name of the LAN (in the LAN profile). Used in CDS server configuration.
LOGFILE The full path name of the log file produced by dce_config. The default is /tmp/dce_config.log
LOW_GID The value at which the Security server starts assigning automatically generated group IDs. The default is the value of the highest group ID currently used on the machine being configured, incremented by the value of GID_GAP. Although there is no restriction that the value of LOW_GID must be higher than the machine's highest group ID, if you supply a LOW_GID that is less than or equal to the highest currently used group ID, dce_config issues a warning message and prompts the user to reenter LOW_GID. Used in master Security server configuration.
LOW_UID The value at which the Security Server starts assigning automatically generated UNIX IDs. The default is the value of the highest UNIX ID currently used on the machine being configured, incremented by the value of UID_GAP. Although there is no restriction that the value of LOW_UID must be higher than the machine's highest UNIX ID, if you supply a LOW_UID that is less than or equal to the highest currently used UNIX ID, dce_config issues a warning message and prompts the user to reenter LOW_UID. Used in master Security server configuration.
MULTIPLE_LAN An indication of whether to configure the node with multiple LAN capabilities: y indicates configure with multiple LAN capabilities, n indicates do not. Used in CDS configuration
NTP_HOST The name of the host on which the NTP time provider server is running. Used in DTS Time Provider configuration.
PWD_MGMT_SVR The default path name to the Password Management server, which is $DCELOCAL/bin/pwd_strength. Used in Password Management server configuration.
PWD_MGMT_SVR_Options The default option or options for the Password Management server (pwd_strength). The value of the variable is set to -v (verbose) at server configuration.
REMOVE_PREV_INSTALL An indication of whether to remove all remnants of previous DCE installations before performing the new install: y indicates remove all remnants; n indicates do not. Be aware that if you set this variable to y, dce_config removes all installed components each time you install any component, and you must reinstall them all. Used in all component installations.
REMOVE_PREV_CONFIG An indication of whether to remove all remnants of previous configurations before performing the new configuration: y indicates remove all remnants; n indicates do not. Be aware that if you set this variable to y, dce_config stops and removes all configured components each time you configure any component, and you must reconfigure them all. Used in all component configurations.
REP_CLEARINGHOUSE The name for new clearinghouse. Used in additional CDS server configuration.
SEC_SERVER The name of the machine on the cell's master Security server runs. Used in security client configuration.
SEC_SERVER_IP The IP address for server named in SEC_SERVER.
SYNC_CLOCKS An indication of whether to synchronize all client clocks with the Security server clock: y indicates that client and server clocks will be synchronized; n indicates they will not. If this variable is set to n, and clocks are out of sync by more than the value specified in the TOLERANCE_SEC variable, the user is prompted for whether or not to synchronize them. This variable is valid only if the CHECK_TIME variable is set to y. For DFS machine configurations, this variable should be set to y.
TIME_SERVER Specifies the host that the Security client will try to synchronize its clock against. This host must have a DTS server (dtsd) running on it. The recommended choice for the host is the one running the master Security server (the name specified in the SEC_SERVER variable).
TOLERANCE_SEC The number of seconds a client system clock can differ from the Security server system clock before either the user prompted to synchronize clocks or clocks are synchronized automatically. The default is 120 seconds. Both the Security service and the CDS service require that be no more than a 5-minute difference between the clocks on any two nodes in a cell. For a DFS File Location Database Server, the variable should not be set to less than 90 seconds.
UID_GAP The increment above highest currently used UID at which the Security service starts assigning automatically generated UIDs. The value of this variable is used with the LOW_UID variable to set the starting point for UIDs automatically assigned by the Security server. Default is 100. Used in Security server configuration.
UNCONFIG_HOST_PRESET The name of the node to be unconfigured. Used with the unconfigure option.
dfs_config Environment Variables

Variable Value
AGG_FS_TYPE The type of file system for the aggregate to be exported. Possible values are native meaning the native file system (for example, UFS, JFS) or episode meaning the Episode (LFS) file system.
AGG_DEV_NAME The device name of the aggregate to be exported.
AGG_MOUNT_PATH The mount path for the aggregate.
AGG_NAME The name to be used for the aggregate to be exported (for example, user.jlw).
AGG_ID The unique numerical aggregate ID for the exported aggregate.
CACHE_SIZE_RAM The number of bytes to use for an in-memory cache.
CACHE_SIZE_DISK The number of bytes to use for a local disk cache.
CACHE_DIR_DISK The path name of the directory to use for a local disk cache.
CLIENT_CACHE_LOC An indication of whether the cache is stored in memory or on disk. Machine values are mem meaning the cache is stored in memory or disk meaning the cache is stored on the local disk.
CONFIG_NFS_GATEWAY An indication of whether to configure the DFS client as an NFS gateway. Possible values are y and n; n is the default.
DFS_SERVER_INSTALL An indication of which type of DFS server to install: SCM for System Control Machine; FS for File Server; PRIVATEFS for Private File Server; FLDB for File Location Database Server.
EPI_FORMAT_PART An indication of whether to format a disk partition as an Episode aggregate. Possible values are y to format the partition or n to not.
EPI_FORCE_INIT An indication of whether to force the initialization of a partition as an Episode aggregate, possibly losing data. Possible values are y to initialize or n to not.
INIT_LFS An indication of whether to initialize the LFS (using epiinit). Possible values are y to initialize or n to not.
INSTALL_OPT_SERS An indication of whether to install the optional DFS servers (bak, butc, upclient). Possible values are y to install or n to not.
INSTALL_OPT_CLIENT An indication of whether to install the optional DFS client (cm, bos, and fts) binaries. Possible values are y to install or n to not.
LOAD_LFS_KEXT An indication of whether to load the LFS kernel extensions. Possible values are y to load or n to not.
ROOT_FILESET_NM The name of the DFS root file set.
SCM_NAME The name of the system control machine to be used during configuration.