
Runtime Services

The following is an alphabetical list of the Audit API routines.

With each routine name is its description. The types of application program that will most likely call the routine are enclosed in parentheses.

dce_aud_close( )
Closes an audit trail (client/server applications, audit trail analysis and examination tools).

dce_aud_commit( )
Performs the audit action(s) (client/server applications).

dce_aud_discard( )
Discards an audit record which releases the memory (client/server applications, audit trail analysis and examination tools).

dce_aud_free_ev_info( )
Frees the memory allocated for an event information structure returned from calling the dce_aud_get_ev_info( ) function (audit trail analysis and examination tools).

dce_aud_free_header( )
Frees the memory allocated to a designated audit record header structure (audit trail analysis and examination tools).

dce_aud_get_ev_info( )
Gets the event-specific information of a specified audit record (audit trail analysis and examination tools).

dce_aud_get_header( )
Gets the header of a specified audit record (audit trail analysis and examination tools).

dce_aud_length( )
Gets the length of a specified audit record (client/server applications, audit trail analysis and examination tools).

dce_aud_next( )
Reads the next audit record from a specified audit trail into a buffer (audit trail analysis and examination tools).

dce_aud_open( )
Opens a specified audit trail for read or write (client/server applications, audit trail analysis and examination tools).

dce_aud_print( )
Formats an audit record into a human-readable form (audit trail analysis and examination tools).

dce_aud_put_ev_info( )
Adds event-specific information to a specified audit record buffer (client/server applications).

dce_aud_set_trail_size_limit( )
Sets a limit to the audit trail size (client/server applications).

dce_aud_start( )
Determines whether a specified event should be audited given the client's binding information and the event outcome. If the event should be audited or if it is not yet known whether the event should be audited because the event outcome is still unknown, memory for the audit record descriptor is allocated and the address of this memory is returned to the caller (client/server applications).

dce_aud_start_with_name( )
Determines whether a specified event should be audited given the client/server name and the event outcome. If the event should be audited or if it is not yet known whether the event should be audited because the event outcome is still unknown, memory for the audit record descriptor is allocated and the address of this memory is returned to the caller (client/server applications).

dce_aud_start_with_pac( )
Determines whether a specified event should be audited given the client's Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) and the event outcome. If the event should be audited or if it is not yet known whether the event should be audited because the event outcome is still unknown, memory for the audit record descriptor is allocated and the address of this memory is returned to the caller (client/server applications).

dce_aud_start_with_server_binding( )
Determines whether a specified event should be audited given the server's binding information and the event outcome. If the event should be audited or if it is not yet known whether the event should be audited because the event outcome is still unknown, memory for the audit record descriptor is allocated and the address of this memory is returned to the caller (client/server applications).

dce_aud_start_with_uuid( )
Determines whether a specified event should be audited given the client/server UUID and the event outcome. If the event must be audited, or if the outcome of the event is not yet known, the memory for the audit record descriptor is allocated and the address of this structure is returned to the caller (client/server applications).