

Gets a thread handle for the stub memory management environment


#include <rpc.h>

rpc_sm_thread_handle_t rpc_sm_get_thread_handle(

unsigned32 *status);



Returns the status code from this routine. This status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not.

Applications call rpc_sm_get_thread_handle to get a thread handle for the current stub memory management environment. A thread that is managing memory within the stub memory management scheme calls rpc_sm_get_thread_handle to get a thread handle for its current stub memory management environment. A thread that calls rpc_sm_set_thread_handle with this handle, is able to use the same memory management environment.

When multiple threads call rpc_sm_allocate and rpc_sm_free to manage the same memory, they must share the same thread handle. The thread that established the stub memory management environment calls rpc_sm_get_thread_handle to get a thread handle before spawning new threads that will manage the same memory. The spawned threads then call rpc_sm_set_thread_handle with the handle provided by the parent thread.

Application Note:
Typically, rpc_sm_get_thread_handle is called by a server manager routine before it spawns additional threads. Normally the stub sets up the memory management environment for the manager routine. The manager calls rpc_sm_get_thread_handle to make this environment available to the spawned threads.

A thread may also use rpc_sm_get_thread_handle and rpc_sm_set_thread_handle to save and restore its memory management environment.

Return Values
A thread handle.


The following describes a partial list of errors that might be returned. Refer to the OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide for complete descriptions of all error messages.


Related Information
Functions: rpc_sm_allocate(3rpc)

