
IDL Encoding Service Handle

An IDL encoding service handle is a pointer-size opaque variable that points to functions that control how data encoding or decoding is performed. The following routines return an IDL encoding service handle and show an argument data type of idl_es_handle_t:

· idl_es_encode_incremental( )

· idl_es_decode_buffer( )

· idl_es_decode_incremental( )

· idl_es_encode_dyn_buffer( )

· idl_es_encode_fixed_buffer( )

The idl_es_handle_free( ) and idl_es_inq_encoding_id( ) routines require an IDL encoding service handle.

Note that in order to use the IDL encoding services, you must include a header file that has been generated for an application that has used the encode and decode ACF attributes on one or more of its operations.