
Management Commands for Programmers

In addition to the idl command for programmers, DCE RPC provides two management commands for the RPC control program and the RPC daemon, as follows:

· The rpccp control program accesses RPCCP, the RPC control program. This program provides a set of commands for accessing the operations of the RPC Name Service Interface (NSI operations). RPCCP also supports showing the elements of the local endpoint map and removing elements from it.

You can manage the name service with RPCCP commands or with DCE RPC runtime routines. For example, suppose you want to obtain the members of a group. You can give the show group command to RPCCP or you can write an application program that calls the following DCE RPC runtime routines:

- rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin( )

- rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next( )

- rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_done( )

· The dced command starts the DCE Host daemon. The daemon maintains the local endpoint map for RPC servers and looks up endpoints for RPC clients.

See the OSF DCE Command Reference for more information about these two management commands.