
Calls to Establish Delegation Chains

The following sec_login_*( ) API calls set up a delegation chain:

· sec_login_become_initiator( )

Enables delegation for a client. The principal that executes this call is known as the delegation initiator.

· sec_login_become_delegate( ), sec_login_become_impersonator( )

Cause an intermediate server to become a delegate in a delegation chain. The principals that execute these calls are known as intermediaries in the delegation chain.

The sec_login_become_delegate( ) call should be used if the traced delegation has been enabled. The sec_login_become_impersonator( ) call should be used if simple delegation has been enabled. See Types of Delegation for more information about delegation types.

The following topics describe the information supplied to the calls that establish delegation chains.


Types of Delegation

Target and Delegate Restrictions

Optional and Required Restrictions

Compatibility Between Version 1.1 and Pre-Version 1.1 Servers and Clients