
Time Structures

DTS can convert among several types of binary time structures that are based on different base dates and time unit measurements. DTS uses UTC-based time structures and can convert other types of time structures to its own presentation of UTC-based time. The DTS API routines are used to perform these conversions for applications on your system.

The following table lists the absolute time structures that the DTS API uses to modify binary times for applications.

Absolute Time Structures

Structure Time Units Base Date Approximate Range
utc 100-nanosecond 15 October 1582 A.D. 1 to A.D. 30,000
tm second 1 January 1900 A.D. 1 to A.D. 30,000
timespec nanosecond 1 January 1970 A.D. 1970 to A.D. 2106
The following table lists the relative time structures that the DTS API uses to modify binary times for applications.

Relative Time Structures

Structure Time Units Approximate Range
utc 100-nanosecond +/- 30,000 years
tm second +/- 30,000 years
reltimespec nanosecond +/- 68 years
The remainder of this topic explains the DTS time structures in detail.


The utc Structure

The tm Structure

The timespec Structure

The reltimespec Structure