
Writing the Attribute Configuration File

The next step in building an RPC application that supports character and code set interoperability is to create an attribute configuration file (.acf) to be associated with the .idl file. This .acf file uses the following attributes:

· The cs_char attribute, which associates the local data type that the application code uses to represent international characters in the local code set with the special typedef defined in the .idl file. This is a required ACF attribute for an RPC application that passes international character data. The cs_char Attribute provides complete details on how to specify this ACF attribute and the programming restrictions associated with its use.

· The cs_stag, cs_drtag, and cs_rtag attributes, for each operation in the interface that specifies sending tag, desired receiving tag, and/or receiving tag parameters. These ACF attributes declare the tag parameters defined in the corresponding .idl file to be special code set tag parameters. Operations defined in the .idl that specify international character in input parameters must use the cs_stag attribute. Operations defined in the .idl that specify international character in output parameters must use the cs_drtag and cs_rtag attributes. For complete details on how to specify these ACF attributes, see The cs_stag, cs_drtag, and cs_rtag Attributes .

· The cs_tag_rtn attribute, which specifies the name of a routine that the client and server stubs will call to set an operation's code set tag parameters to specific code set values. The cs_tag_rtn attribute is an optional ACF attribute for internationalized RPC applications; application developers can use it to provide code set tag transparency for callers of their application's operations. See The cs_tag_rtn Attribute for complete details on how to specify this attribute. Tag_Setting Routine provides more information on the role of the tag-setting routine.

Here is the companion .acf file for the cs_test interface defined in Writing the Interface Definition File:




interface cs_test


include "dce/codesets_stub";

typedef [cs_char(cs_byte)] net_byte;

[comm_status, cs_tag_rtn(rpc_cs_get_tags)] cs_fixed_trans (

[cs_stag] stag,

[cs_drtag] drtag,

[cs_rtag] p_rtag );

The ACF for cs_test uses the cs_char attribute to define net_byte as a data type that represents international characters. Note that the local type specified in the cs_char attribute definition is cs_byte. This local type is analogous to the byte type. The ACF for cs_test also uses the cs_tag_rtn attribute to specify a tag-setting routine.