
Configuring DCE Clients

After you configure your cell's master Security server and initial CDS server, you should configure each machine in the cell as a DCE client. Then you can configure additional servers and replicas as described in Configuring Additional Servers.

When you configure a DCE client you set up the machine as a client of the core DCE Services: Security, CDS, and DTS.

To configure a DCE client machine, perform the following steps:

1. At the DCE Configuration Menu, type 3 and press <Return>.

The dce_config script displays:

S:****** Configuring client...

The dce_config script prompts:

What is the name of the Security Server for this cell:

2. Type the name of the machine that was configured as the master Security server and press <Return>.

Then dce_config prompts for name of the initial CDS server machine:

What is the name of the CDS server in this cell
(if there is more than one, enter the name of
the server to be cached if necessary) ?

3. Type the name of the machine that was configured as the initial CDS server and press <Return>.

The cdsadv daemon finds the initial CDS server, and then prompts:

Then, the dce_config script prompts:

Create LAN profile so clients and servers can be divided into profile
groups for higher performance in a multi-LAN cell? (n)

4. At this point you have two choices:

a. Type y to configure the machine with multiple local area network (LAN) capabilities and press <Return>. You may want to use multiple LANs to organize how applications find objects in the namespace. When you respond y, the dce_config script creates a LAN profile that allows the DTS clerks to synchronize with DTS servers on the local LAN.

The dce_config script prompts for the name of the LAN:

What is the name of the LAN?

Type the name and press <Return>. You can enter any arbitrary name. The name is used by dce_config to store cell profile information.

b. Type n to not configure the machine with multiple LAN capabilities and press <Return>.

The dce_config script displays the following message:

S:****** This node is now a CDS client

and then the following prompt:

Should this machine be configured as a DTS Clerk, DTS Local Server,
or DTS Global Server? (Default is DTS Clerk)
(clerk, local, global, none)

5. At this point you can type any of the following entries:

· clerk to configure a DTS Clerk

· local to configure a DTS Local server

· global to configure a DTS Local server

· none to not configure any DTS server on the machine

If you choose to configure a DTS server, dce_config displays messages as it starts the appropriate DTS daemons. Then, dce_config completes the configuration and returns the DCE Configuration Menu.