
Security and CDS Database Size

Both the Security servers (master and replicas) and the CDS servers (initial and replicas) maintain databases. The machine on which a Security server or a CDS server is configured must have sufficient disk space to accommodate these databases. The size required for the Security and CDS databases depends on the platform and the operating system. Choose machines large enough to accommodate future growth.

Use the following general requirements for the Security database:

· For each principal: 1000 bytes of physical memory and 700 bytes of disk space.

· For each account: 1700 bytes of physical memory and 300 bytes of disk space.

The virtual size of the CDS databases increases substantially as new directories and objects are added. When entries are removed, the memory associated with them may be reused but is not deallocated. Although it can vary depending on the platform, each directory can use roughly 38.5 Kbytes of virtual space. Process data size and paging space should also be considered.