
Forcing System Synchronization

Once you create and enable DTS on all the systems that are in your network, they synchronize without any further intervention. There are situations, however, when you may want to force a system to synchronize immediately rather than waiting for the amount of time that is specified by the syncinterval and maxinaccuracy attributes. As an example, you may want to synchronize a system with a TP server that you have just added to the network.

To forcibly synchronize the clock on a system, you use the dts synchronize command. If you enter the dts synchronize command without the optional -abruptly option, the time is adjusted gradually. If you enter the dts synchronize command with the -abruptly option, the time is immediately adjusted. In the situation posed by our example, you might want to use the command with the -abruptly option to have the narrow time interval contributed by the time-provider quickly propagated throughout the network:

dcecp> dts synchronize -abruptly