
Registry Permissions

The following table lists the permissions that can be granted for the object types found in the registry.

Permissions for Registry Objects

Permission Meaning
A Execute commands that act on replicas (sec_admin).
a Modifies authentication information.
c Modifies ACLs on objects. All registry ACLs must have one entry that specifies c (control) permission.
d Deletes from an object's contents.
D Deletes an object from the registry.
f Modifies a principal's, group's, or organization's full name.
g Adds a principal to a group.
i Adds to a object's contents.
m Modifies management information.
M Adds and deletes members from this group or organization. To add a member to a group, you must also have g permission for the principal to be added.
n Modifies the name of a directory, a principal, a group, or an organization.
u Modifies user information.
r Views management, authentication, and user information.
t Tests the group or organization membership of a named principal.

Management, Authentication, and User Information

Permission Required to Create Principals, Groups, or Organizations

Permissions Required to Delete Principals, Group, or Organizations

Permissions Required to Add Accounts

Permissions Required to Delete Accounts

Permissions Required to Add Members to Groups

Permissions Required to Add Members to Organizations

Permissions to Delete Members from Groups or Organizations

Permissions Required to Change a Principal's, Group's, or Organization's Full Name

Permissions Required to Change Management Information for Principals, Groups, or Organizations

Permissions Required to Change Management, Authentication, and User Information (Except Passwords) for Accounts

Permissions Required to Change Passwords for Accounts

Permissions Required to Change Authentication and Management Information for Registry Policies and Properties

Permissions Required to Execute Commands That Act on Replicas

Permissions Required to Create Extended Registry Attribute Types

Permissions Required to Delete Extended Registry Attribute Types

Permissions Required to View Extended Registry Attribute Types

Permissions Required to Modify Extended Registry Attribute Types

Permission Required to Change ACLs on Registry Objects

Permissions Required by Slave Replicas