
Displaying xattrschema Information

Use the dcecp xattrschema catalog and xattrschema show commands to display information about the extended attribute types. Note that, to see instances of an extended attribute attached to a principal, use the -xattr option with the principal, group, or organization show commands.

The xattrschema catalog command displays the names of the extended attribute instances defined in a named schema. When you use this command, you must specify the name of the schema for which to display extended attributes. For the registry database, this name is /.:/sec/xattrschema. Your site must supply you with the name of the schema.

The xattrschema show command displays the attributes of named schemas in either the registry schema or a schema in use at your site. When you use this command , you must specify the name of the extended attribute type for which to display information. You can supply multiple names by enclosing them in braces and separating them with spaces.

To display the names of all attribute types in the registry database in alphabetic order with names prefixed by the cell name, enter

xattrschema catalog /.:/sec/xattrschema

To display all attribute types in the registry database in alphabetic order not prefixed by the cell name, enter

xattrschema catalog /.:/sec/xattrschema

To display attributes in a schema other than the registry, replace /.:/sec/xattrschema with the fully specified name of the other schema.

To display the attributes of a named extended attribute type, enter

xattrschema show attr_name

The following example lists the names of all extended attributes in the registry prefixed by the cell name:

dcecp> xattrschema catalog /.:/sec/xattrschema

The following example lists the attributes of the extended registry attribute named test_integer:

dcecp> xattrschema show /.:/sec/xattrschema/test_integer
{aclmgr {principal {{query r} {update r} {test r} {delete r}}}}
{annotation {test_integer: encoding type integer}}
{applydefs yes}
{encoding integer}
{intercell reject}
{multivalued yes}
{reserved no}
{scope {}}
{trigbind {none {}}}
{trigtype none}
{unique no}
{uuid 5f439154-2af1-11cd-8ec3-080009353559}