
Displaying Group and Organization Information

Use the dcecp group catalog, group show, and group list commands to display information about groups and the dcecp organization catalog, organization show, and organization list commands to display information about organizations. When you use the group list, group show, organization list, and organization show commands, you must supply the name of the group or organization to display. You can supply multiple names by enclosing them in braces and separating them with spaces.

To display all groups or organizations in the registry database in alphabetic order with names prefixed by the cell name, enter

group catalog


organization catalog

To display all groups or organizations in the registry database in alphabetic order with names not prefixed by the cell name, enter

group catalog -simplename


organization catalog -simplename

To display all members of a specified group or organization in alphabetical order with names prefixed by the cell name, enter

group list group_name


organization list organization_name

To display all members of a specified group or organization in alphabetical order with names not prefixed by the cell name, enter

group list group_name -simplename


organization list organization_name -simplename

To display all attributes for a group or organization, enter

group show group_name


organization show organization_name

To display all extended attribute instances attached to a group or organization, enter

group show group_name -xattrs


organization show organization_name -xattrs

To display all regular attributes and all extended attributes for a group or organization, enter

group show group_name -all


organization show organization_name -all

The following example shows the group catalog command used without the -simplename option:

dcecp> group cat



















The following example shows the attributes of the group named users_temporary:

dcecp> group show users_temporary
{alias no}
{gid 5211}
{uuid 0000145b-9362-21cd-a601-0000c08adf56}
{inprojlist no}
{fullname {temporary users}}

Note, in the preceding example, the line that says {alias no}. This indicates that the name users_temporary is the primary name, not an alias name. For an alias, this line would read {alias yes}.

The following group list command displays the members of the group symphonists:

dcecp> group list symphonists