
Using Attribute Sets

An attribute set is a collection of attribute UUIDs that identify the attribute instances that are members of the set. Attribute sets let you group related attributes instances on an object for easier access. For example, if you use the dcecp show operation to display an attribute set, the display expands the attribute set and includes all members of the set in the display output. This attribute expansion works only for dcecp commands that display information. The commands to create and modify attribute instances work only on the specific attribute named in the command. Since the attributes that are set members exist independently of the attribute set, they can be manipulated directly like any other attribute.

Each attribute set is attached to an object and, although the system does not enforce it, each attribute that is a member of a set should also be attached to the same object. Attribute sets cannot be nested; a member of an attribute set cannot itself be an attribute set.

To create, modify, and delete members in an attribute set, follow the instructions to create, modify, and delete mutlivalued attributes. The attribute instances that are members of the set are identified by UUIDs.