
Deleting Principals and Aliases

If you delete a principal or an alias, the system automatically deletes any accounts for that principal or alias. For example, if you delete the principal mahler, the mahler composers classic account is also deleted. If you delete the principal alias gustav, you also delete the gustav music_admin classic account. If you delete the group alias music_admin, you also delete the gustav music_admin classic account. Be aware that deleting a principal or a principal's alias could orphan the objects that are owned by the principal/UUID.

The following example shows the principal delete command used to delete the principal named mahler:

dcecp> principal delete mahler

You can delete multiple principals or aliases with one principal delete command. To do so, enclose the principal names in braces, separated by spaces. For example, to delete the principals bach, britten, and mahler, you would enter the following:

dcecp> principal delete {bach britten mahler}