
Displaying the Attribute Values of CDS Names

To display any or all of the current values of the attributes associated with the names in a namespace (except for clerks or servers), use the dcecp show operation.

The basic syntax of the show operation is as follows:

object-type show object-name

where object-type is the type of CDS object about which you want to display information, and object-name is a complete directory specification terminating with a simple name (that is, the full CDS name) of the object you are inquiring about.

To use the show operation, you must have read permission to the name that you want to display.

In the following example, the show operation is used to display the current values of the CDS_CHDirectories attribute associated with the /.:/Chicago2_CH clearinghouse. The display returned by the command shows two values for the attribute, each value having two parts. The parts of the attribute value are UUID of Directory and Name of Directory. The show operation displays the values separately. For each value, it first lists the attribute name on a line ending with a colon, then the parts of the value.

dcecp> clearinghouse show /.:/Chicago2_CH


{01 00}}

{CDS_CTS 1994-01-24-07:12:51.966-05:00I0.000/00-00-c0-f7-de-56}

{CDS_UTS 1994-02-03-07:17:35.794-05:00I0.000/00-00-c0-f7-de-56}

{CDS_ObjectUUID 0094e40e-bb43-1d43-9e0a-0000c0f7de56}

{CDS_AllUpTo 1994-02-03-09:17:06.393-05:00I0.000/00-00-c0-f7-de-56}

{CDS_DirectoryVersion 3.0}

{CDS_CHName /.../Chicago2/Chicago2_CH}


{Tower ncacn_ip_tcp:[]}}


{Tower ncadg_ip_udp:[]}}

{CDS_CHState on}


{dir_uuid 00595ca5-bb46-1d43-9e0a-0000c0f7de56}

{directory /.../Chicago2}}


{dir_uuid 00888574-bb53-1d43-9e0a-0000c0f7de56}

{directory /.../Chicago2/subsys}}


{dir_uuid 0069ff14-bb55-1d43-9e0a-0000c0f7de56}

{directory /.../Chicago2/subsys/dce}}


{dir_uuid 0023cc38-bb56-1d43-9e0a-0000c0f7de56}

{directory /.../Chicago2/subsys/dce/sec}}


{dir_uuid 0026d57c-bb57-1d43-9e0a-0000c0f7de56}

{directory /.../Chicago2/hosts}}

{CDS_ReplicaVersion 3.0}

{CDS_NSCellname /.../Chicago2}


In the following example, the show operation displays all of the object entries that are stored in the /.:/sales directory:

dcecp> object show /.:/sales

{CDS_CTS 1994-06-23-15:56:44.734+00:00I0.000/08-00-2b-0f-59-bf}

{CDS_UTS 1994-08-08-22:23:54.226+00:00I0.000/08-00-2b-0f-59-bf}

{CDS_ClassVersion 1.0}


The following command displays all of the soft links stored in the /.:/mfg directory:

dcecp> link show /.:/mfg

{CDS_CTS 1994-06-23-15:56:44.734+00:00I0.000/08-00-2b-0f-59-bf}

{CDS_UTS 1994-08-08-22:23:54.226+00:00I0.000/08-00-2b-0f-59-bf}

{CDS_LinkTarget = /.../abc/mfg/robotics_controller1}
