
Determining the Entry Name

You need to know the entry name exported by a server so you can provide it to client programs when you configure them. Here, we're just calling this name an entry name, but it can be a server entry name or group entry name or profile entry name. Your application documentation should help you decide which kind of entry to use.

If you are installing and configuring the server and client parts of an application, make a note of the server's entry name when you configure the server.

If you are not installing or configuring the server (for instance, the server was previously installed), you might need to do some detective work to determine the name to use. There are several places you can look.

If a server uses the server control facility described earlier in this topic, you can probably use a dcecp server show operation to reveal its entry name. Of course, this means you need to know the server's object name on the host where the server resides. You can see all of the server object names on a host using a server catalog operation. The following example lists all the server objects configured on host silver. The server show operation reveals the entry name used by the info_server program.

dcecp> server catalog /.:/hosts/silver



dcecp> server show /.:/hosts/silver/config/info_server

{uuid 6d5e7184-71b7-11cd-a205-08000925634b}

{program {/usr/local/bin/infosrv}}

{arguments {-brief}}

{prerequisites {}}

{keytabs {}}

{entryname {/.:/subsys/applications/info_server_1}}

{services {}}

{principals {}}

{starton {explicit failure}}

{uid 1423}

{gid 1000}

{dir {/tmp}}


If a server starts from a boot program or script of some kind, look in the program or script for the name or names (sometimes servers use multiple names when they export multiple interfaces). The name might be supplied as an argument to the command that starts the server as in the following example.

infosrv /.:/finance/operations/infoserv

When the server side does not easily reveal its entry name, try to determine what entry other client programs are using. Client programs frequently start from a boot program or script of some kind and entry names are generally provided as arguments to the command to start the client. These commands often follow the same model shown in the previous example of the server startup command.