
Viewing the Members of a Profile Entry

You can simply list the members of a profile entry by using an rpcprofile list operation. This is useful for troubleshooting or for just seeing how servers are distributed in profile entries.

To list the members of a profile entry in CDS, use an rpcprofile add operation as in the following example which lists the members of the profile /.:/subsys/applications/admin_group_profile.

dcecp> rpcprofile list /.:/subsys/applications/wards_profile




You can view the complete information stored with a profile entry by using an rpcprofile show operation. This shows the priority and the interface UUIDs associated with a member. The following example shows all of the information contained in the profile named /.:/cell-profile.

dcecp> rpcprofile show /.:/cell-profile

{{d46113d0-a848-11cb-b863-08001e046aa5 2.0} /.../ 0 rs_bind}

{{0d7c1e50-113a-11ca-b71f-08001e01dc6c 1.0} /.../ 0 secidmap}

{{8f73de50-768c-11ca-bffc-08001e039431 1.0} /.../ 0 krb5rpc}

{{b1e338f8-9533-11c9-a34a-08001e019c1e 1.0} /.../ 0 rpriv}

{{b1e338f8-9533-11c9-a34a-08001e019c1e 1.1} /.../ 0 rpriv}

{{6f264242-b9f8-11c9-ad31-08002b0dc035 1.0} /.../ 0 LAN}

{{4d37f2dd-ed43-0000-02c0-37cf2e000001 4.0} /.../ 0 fs}

{{eb814e2a-0099-11ca-8678-02608c2ea96e 4.0} /.../ 0 bak}
