
Removing Binding Information from a Server Entry in CDS

Occasionally, you might want to remove binding information from a server entry. If a server host crashes, its servers cannot remove their server entries from CDS. To prevent clients from trying to communicate with these phantom servers, you should unexport the bindings from CDS manually. Unlike the endpoint delete operation, this operation does not remove the entry name from CDS.

Use an rpcentry unexport operation to remove server binding information as shown in the following example. Notice that the object UUID is not removed from the server entry unless you specify it as an option to the unexport operation.

dcecp> rpcentry unexport /.:/subsys/applications/bbs_server \

> -interface {458ffcbe-98c1-11cd-bd93-0000c08adf56 1.0}

dcecp> rpcentry show /.:/subsys/applications/bbs_server

