
Naming Server Configuration Information

Server configuration information is accessible using a name of the form: /.../cellname/hosts/hostname/config/srvrconf/servername. If you have the necessary permissions, you can use the global name to access the configuration database on a remote host (even a host in another cell). The following example shows configuration information for the video_clip server on host krypton in remote cell /.../

dcecp> server show /.../

{uuid 2fa417e8-bb4c-11cd-831b-0000c08adf56}

{program {vclip}}

{arguments {-catalog}}


. (Output Omitted)



The next example shows configuration information for the video_clip server on host silver in the local cell.

dcecp> server show /.:/hosts/silver/config/srvrconf/video_clip

{uuid 2fa417e8-bb4c-11cd-831b-0000c08adf56}

{program {vclip}}

{arguments {-catalog}}


. (Output Omitted)



Use the simple name to show configuration information for the video_clip server on the local host:

dcecp> server show video_clip

{uuid 2fa417e8-bb4c-11cd-831b-0000c08adf56}

{program {vclip}}

{arguments {-catalog}}


. (Output Omitted)

