PROBLEM: (94471, SSRT2265) (PATCH ID: TCR540-024) ******** HP Tru64 engineering has discovered a potential security vulnerablity that may result in a denial of service (DofS) on systems running TruCluster Server software. PROBLEM: (93969, 93611, 94960, 91780, 94324, 94711, 93827, 76137, 95460) (PATCH ID: TCR540-055) ******** clu_upgrade enhancements, including: - connection error in sysman station help menu - "test: argument expected" message seen in clu_upgrade log file PROBLEM: (96035) (PATCH ID: TCR540-072) ******** During a rolling upgrade setup procedure, the clu_ifaccess script is run to update the ifaccess.conf file. During this procedure, it removes /etc/ifaccess.conf, which is a cdsl, and creates a new one. This would be okay except that since the member is running on tag files, /etc/.Old..ifaccess.conf is removed, and not recreated. If the setup stage is undone, an error will be generated that .Old..ifaccess.conf is missing. This will fix that problem. PROBLEM: (96088) (PATCH ID: TCR540-074) ******** 1) Dupatch will report missing temp variables during a parallel roll. In order to fix this, this patch must be installed first, and the release note followed. 2) Setld will report an error on installing a new dupatch kit, already installed. This must be installed to fix this.