PROBLEM: (93962, 94360) (PATCH ID: TCR540-008) ******** When parity errors increase beyond the error rate threshold, in a single physical rail configuration, the Memory Channel driver will flag the rail as 'noisy' and attempt to failover. In the single rail configuration there exists no failover rail, and this action causes the entire cluster to panic. This fix panics the node whose error has exceeded the threshold. The Memory Channel driver leaves stale data on an offline physical rail. If a node is rebooted while this physical rail is offline, and then the physical rail comes back online the rebooted node will panic with: panic (cpu 1): memory channel - cluster still thinks node is member PROBLEM: (94391, 89889) (PATCH ID: TCR540-013) ******** This fixes issues associated with the initialization of the Memory Channel driver. The fix addresses an issue whereby the driver's internal data structures become inconsistent during boot, and this inconsistency is subsequently propagated to other nodes. It also adds resiliency during boot. Some of the symptoms the fix addresses are listed below. PANIC: "rm_prail_boot_signal_any_node:Fix configuration and reboot" PANIC: "ics_mct: Error from establish_RM_notification_channel" PANIC: "ics_mct: Error from register_RM_notification_callback" PANIC: "ics_mct: Error from send_RM_notification" PROBLEM: (92102, 94878, 94910, 94988, 95476, 95669) (PATCH ID: TCR540-043) ******** In a memory channel cluster, rebooting a node without performing a hardware reset an crash other members with a RM_AUDIT_ACK_BLOCK panic. 0 boot 1 panic 2 rm_crash_node_mask 3 rm_panic 4 rm_audit_ack_block 5 rm_write_sync 6 rm_get_errcnt_lock 7 rm_lock_global_error 8 rm_eh_init_shared_data_req 9 rm_prail_int 10 rm_int 11 Mchan_isr 12 _XentInt PROBLEM: (96043) (PATCH ID: TCR540-071) ******** This patch fixes an initializtion problem in the Memory Channel driver. A kernel memory fault during boot is the symptom associated with this issue.