PROBLEM: (95125) (PATCH ID: TCR540-025) ******** Discard UDP datagrams that don't come from the correct port. PROBLEM: (94633) (PATCH ID: TCR540-020) ******** This patch address a panic which is seen on LAN cluster running under load when other members are rebooting. The following panic string is displayed when this error occurs: CNX MGR: cnx_comm_error: invalid node state PROBLEM: (95283, 95218, 95206) (PATCH ID: TCR540-052) ******** This patch fixes a problem in the routine icssvr_llhandle_init. icssvr_llhandle_init handles a MALLOC failure with EAGAIN if sleep_flag is TRUE. The routine should always return 0 if sleep_flag is TRUE and EAGAIN if sleep_flag is false. This patch fixes a problem in the ics_chan_disconnect routine. ics_chan_disconnect() does not call DEINIT_EVENT(&conn->conn_event) nor DEINIT_LOCK(&conn->conn_lock). This patch fixes a problem in the ics_connect routine. When removing unused_conn, ics_connect() fails to call DEINIT_LOCK(&unused_conn->conn_lock).