PROBLEM: (91296, 76704, 78982, 79298) (PATCH ID: OSF540-324) ******** This submit request fixes the following problems. 1) If vdump or vrestore are interrupted they will dump core. The expected behavior is to ask the user to confirm if the program should be aborted. 2) In some locales, vdump and vrestore programs displays some incorrect messages. This has been corrected now. 3) vrestore with -l option displays the saveset structure. Now this option has been enhanced to show bitfile attributes on files. Bit files attributes are usually set on files in advfs fileset using 'usr/sbin/chfile'. 4) vdump program makes some unneccessary calls to backup property list information, which consumes time. Now this has been corrected in vdump to make these calls only when required. PROBLEM: (92731) (PATCH ID: OSF540-252) ******** Archive programs vdump and vrestore are modified to allow the user to request larger record sizes. Previously the maximum was 64k, now we allow 2048k. PROBLEM: (95084) (PATCH ID: OSF540-340) ******** When the input to vrestore is from a remote system through a pipe, as in: % rsh remotemchine cat filearchive | vrestore -tf - vrestore *may* sometimes fail if the very first read from the pipe fails to provide the complete number of bytes requested in the read(). This patch fixes that problem. PROBLEM: (74390, 83663, 93668, 94171, 94771) (PATCH ID: OSF540-357) ******** * A file/directory name is displayed along with the error message when vrestore command fails to set a property list * Vrestore does not dump core when when a tape has a smaller blocksize than expected * Vrestore handles no-rewind tapes properly. * Vrestore reads environment variable for user defined device name. * Vrestore sets the attributes to top level directory if user desires.