PROBLEM: (88586) (PATCH ID: OSF540-069) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. HP has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (87548) (PATCH ID: OSF540-389) ******** Accounting scripts have hardcoded paths in them that explicitly refer to member-specific files rather than the CDSLs pointing to them. PROBLEM: (81905, 74307) (PATCH ID: OSF540-348) ******** This submit request fixes following problems. 1)The difference in cpu time and connect time, seen in the output of accounting reports,when a ascii format report is converted to binary and again back to ascii format. 2)The difference in cpu time, seen in the output of 'acctcom' and 'acctmerg' commands for the same input file.