PROBLEM:  (QAR 70143, BCGM60LQH)    (Patch ID: TCR160-008)

This patch corrects a problem in the TruCluster DLM subsystem in which
a node can panic with the panic string "convert_lock: bad lock state"
and the stack trace as follows:

   0 stop_secondary_cpu()
   1 panic()
   2 event_timeout(func = 0xfffffc000028ee80, arg = 0xfffffc00008ad630)
   3 xcpu_puts()
   4 printf()
   5 panic()
   6 convert_lock()
   7 dlm_convert()
   8 syscall()
   9 _Xsyscall()

PROBLEM:  (DEKB70763)    (Patch ID: TCR160-023)
This patch corrects a problem in the Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) in
the TruCluster Production Server product in which an error in the session
layer on one member can result in sending a corrupted DLM message to the
receiving member. The corruption in the packets will be random, however if
the dlm_checksum_msg sysconfigtab parameter is set to 1, the receiving
member will consistently panic with a panic string of
"dlm_process_message: corrupt message" when a corrupt DLM message
is received.

Some other panic strings that were seen are:

1) "rcv_cvt: wrong lock"
2) "rcv_resp: manage lock: bad lock state"
3) "rcv_cvt: lk_txid mismatch"
4) "rcv_resp: bad response status"

These indicate different corruptions in a DLM message.

PROBLEM:  (72676) (PATCH ID: TCR160-044)

This patch fixes a problem that can cause a TruCluster member to panic
during shutdown.  A sample stack trace might look like:

  5 panic("Unaligned kernel space access from kernel mode")
  6 afault_trap()
  7 _XentUna()
  8 is_last_detach_in_cluster()
  9 dlm_resume_all()
  10 rbld_do_step()
  11 svr_rbld_do_step()
  12 icssvr_daemon_from_pool()

PROBLEM:  (ZPO039231, N/A) (PATCH ID: TCR160-046)

This patch fixes a bug where sometimes a certain shared sequence number will
not be freed after use. It also fixes a problem where certain processes
could get referenced several times.