PROBLEM: (HPAQC15V8) (PATCH ID: OSF440-321) ******** This fixes a kernel memory fault in procfs_get_s5_dir(). PROBLEM: (EVT0448343, 84497, 85459) (PATCH ID: OSF440-556) ******** This patch corrects a problem where attaching to a program with a debugger will cause periodic timers to be lost and will make the program hang. PROBLEM: (HRYGRNTDS, JOE-08768, 68735) (PATCH ID: OSF440-576) ******** This patch resolves problems encontered with the Ladebug and TotalView debuggers. PROBLEM: (77543, 62888) (PATCH ID: OSF440-589) ******** This patch fixes a problem that made setuid programs unable to open themselves.